AI Articles and Analysis about Customer service

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for customer service, including applications in claims management, email support, intelligent assistants, and more.

AI at Morgan Stanley@2x-min

Artificial Intelligence at Morgan Stanley – Three Use Cases

Morgan Stanley was founded in 1935 and is headquartered in New York City. They are an American multinational investment bank and financial services company recognized as a leader in wealth management. With over $1.19 billion in assets, Morgan Stanley is among the top 15 biggest banks in the world.

002 – AI at MetLife-min

Artificial Intelligence at MetLife – Three Use Cases

MetLife is a leading global insurance company headquartered in New York City. It provides its customers various insurance and financial services, including life insurance, health insurance, retirement plans, and investment management.

Artificial Intelligence at McDonalds

Artificial Intelligence at McDonald’s – Two Current Use Cases

Dick and Mac McDonald opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in San Bernardino, California in 1940. By the end of the decade, the restaurant added its now-famous French fries. Ray Kroc joined the growing organization in 1954, purchased it in 1961, and served as its CEO into the early 1970s. Over the next decades, the restaurant chain grew, adding its drive-thru concept, Hamburger University, and iconic menu items like its Filet-O-Fish, Big Mac, and Quarter Pounder sandwiches. 

Artificial Intelligence at Cisco

Artificial Intelligence at Cisco – Two Current Use-Cases

Founded in 1984 by two computer scientists from Stanford University, Cisco Systems developed the local area network (LAN) concept and achieved a market capitalization of $224 million by the time of its IPO in 1990. Today, Cisco manufactures and markets telecommunications technology as well as other high-technology products and services.

Artificial Intelligence at American Express

Artificial Intelligence at American Express – Two Current Use Cases

American Express began as a freight forwarding company in the mid-19th century. Expanding over time to include financial products and travel services, American Express today reports some 114 million cards in force and $1.2 trillion in billed business worldwide. 

Artificial Intelligence at Square

Artificial Intelligence at Square – Two Use-Cases

Square is a financial services company that aims to “build common business tools in unconventional ways so more people can start, run and grow their businesses.” Founded in 2009 in San Francisco by Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey and Jim McKelvey, Square reports total net revenue of $9.5 billion for 2020.

Artificial Intelligence at Amazon

How Amazon Uses AI in eCommerce – Two Use-Cases

Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world by market cap. Founded in 1994 in Seattle, Washington, as a book-selling platform, Amazon has become a household name offering a wide variety of products and services. As of 2020, online retail product sales account for most of the company's net revenues, followed by third-party retail seller services, Amazon Web Services, and subscription services.

Deploying a Chatbot in Financial Services

Deploying a Chatbot in Financial Services – Strategic Considerations

Our AI Opportunity Landscape research clearly demonstrates how chatbots are relatively over-hyped in the marketplace, and most buyers drastically overestimate their effectiveness as a result. Some of our press releases about the bloviated claims about chatbot deployments have ruffled the feathers of conversational interface vendors.

Customer service

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for customer service, including applications in claims management, email support, intelligent assistants, and more.