Conversational AI in Banking -
Practical Use-Cases for Achieving ROI

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Discover Crucial Use-Cases and Trends

The banking and financial services industry has seen a significant increase in the number of new companies entering the space and challenging what it means to do banking in-person and online in recent years.

This new webinar, co-created by Emerj and Uniphore, explores the various AI applications in the industry that can transform services to a conversational level, maximizing customer support, loyalty, and long-term ROI.

In this short one-hour webinar, you’ll gain insight on:


Key AI and industry trends

For years, engaging with a chatbot has left customers feeling limited in terms of the quality and quantity of service they can receive. The future of AI and automation is enabling a conversational level of AI that allows customers to speak naturally to any kind of chatbot.


Where to start the automation process

If conversational AI is the end goal, how do we get there? Understanding the automation process as a three-part model allows business leaders to apply it to their own situation and assess areas where they can drive impact with AI.


How to avoid ROI blind spots

Crucial insights and in-depth AI use-cases that enable enterprise leaders to implement new automation strategies to their own organizations to ensure ROI maximization and scalability in the financial services and banking industry.

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The Impact and Digital Future of AI on Healthcare and Life Sciences

Daniel Faggella

CEO, Head of Research
Emerj Artificial Intelligence Research

Kimberlee West

Director, Product Marketing


Offers an AI-based conversational service automation platform that changes the way enterprises engage with their customers. Nearly $250MM in funding raised, and over 150% growth over the last two years.