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Software Company Reduced Churn with Text Analytics and NLP Insight

Tech Provider: Lexalytics - A natural language processing and text analytics software and service provider.
Client Company: Voziq - Offers software to help customers reduce churn and gain insight on their customers.
Industry: Media
Function: Business intelligence and analytics, Process automation
Tech Provider Contact: Charles Le Gros

Overcoming Challenges in Spoken Voice based Natural Language Processing (NLP) for business use 1

Overcoming Challenges in Voice-Based Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Business

Episode Summary: In this episode of AI in industry, we speak with Michael Johnson, the director of research and innovation for Interactions llc, in Boston MA. Michael explores the inbound (human to machine) and outbound (machine to human) applications of voice based natural language processing (NLP) and also talks about attaching a time-frame to how soon small and medium enterprises (SMEs) would have access to this technology in a financially sensible manner.

How Are Businesses Making NLP Work? - with Paul Barba of Lexalytics

How Are Businesses Making NLP Work? – with Paul Barba of Lexalytics

Episode summary: This week on AI in Industry, we speak to Paul Barba (Chief Scientist at Lexalytics) about what how companies are using natural language processing, and what it takes (in terms of expertise, time, and training) to get these systems working. From sentiment analysis to categorization, Paul walks us through interesting and fruitful use-cases and sheds light on the back-end "tweaking" required to keep NLP productive in a changing business environment.

NLP for Customer Service - How Does it Work?

NLP for Customer Service – How Does it Work?

Natural language processing has gained more and more attention with the raise of (or rather, the "fad" of) chatbots. Despite the flurry of press releases from companies about their conversational agents (only a few of which seem to be delivering real business value), few business leaders understand the value of NLP for customer service, sales enablement, or eCommerce.

Obstacles to Progress in Machine Learning - for NLP, Autonomous Vehicles, and More

Obstacles to Progress in Machine Learning – for NLP, Autonomous Vehicles, and More

Episode summary: Machine learning currently faces a number of obstacles which prevent it from advancing as quickly as it might. How might these obstacles be overcome and what impact would this have on the machine learning across different industries in the coming decade? In this episode we talk to Dr. Hanie Sedghi, Research Scientist at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, about the developments in core machine learning technology that need to be made, and that researchers and scientists are working, on to further the application of machine learning in autonomous vehicles.

NLP Systems Have a Lot to Learn from Humans - A Conversation with Catherine Havasi 2

NLP Systems Have a Lot to Learn from Humans – A Conversation with Catherine Havasi

Episode Summary: Not more than 10 years ago, it would have been difficult to talk into your phone and have anything meaningful happen. AI and natural language processing (NLP) have made large leaps in the last decade, and in this episode Dr. Catherine Havasi articulates why and how. Havasi talks about how NLP used to work, and how a focus on deep learning has helped transform the prevalence and capabilities of NLP in the industry. For the last 17 years, Havasi has been working on a project through the MIT Media Lab called ConceptNet, a common sense lexicon for machines. She is also Founder of Luminoso, which helps businesses make sense of text data and improve processes, and one of a handful of female leaders in the AI field who we've had the privilege of interviewing in the past year.

Artificial Intelligence at Zurich Insurance@1x

Artificial Intelligence at Zurich Insurance

Zurich Insurance Group is a multi-line insurer serving over 55 million customers in more than 210 countries and territories. The company offers various property, casualty, and life insurance products and services. Founded in 1872, Zurich Insurance Group is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. In 2023, the Zurich Insurance Group reported business operating profits of 7.4 billion USD, an increase of 21% from 2022. 

01 – Artificial Intelligence at IQVIA@1x-min

Artificial Intelligence at Dell

Dell Technologies Inc., or simply 'Dell', is a Texas-based multinational technology company. Dell is predominantly known for its personal computing products, particularly its desktops, laptops, and workstations. Gradually, the company branched out into other product and service offerings, including network equipment, software and cloud solutions, and automation services.

The Future of IT in Life Sciences-1

The Future of IT in Life Sciences – with Steven Zhang of Deloitte

This interview analysis is sponsored by Deloitte and was written, edited, and published in alignment with our Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

Artificial Intelligence at Northwestern Mutual@1x-min

Artificial Intelligence at Northwestern Mutual

Northwestern Mutual is an insurance and financial planning firm operating in the USA. The company reported nearly $35 billion in revenue and a surplus of over $37 billion in 2022. It also surpassed five million clients across its product lines, including life insurance, disability insurance, long-term care insurance, annuities, and wealth management.