How Natural Language Processing Helps Mattermark Find Business Opps - A Conversation with Samiur Rahman 2

How Natural Language Processing Helps Mattermark Find Business Opps – A Conversation with Samiur Rahman

Episode Summary: Natural language processing (NLP) sounds cool in theory. We’re familiar with Siri and Echo of course, but where does it play a role in other companies? In today’s episode, we speak with Samiur Rahman from Mattermark, whose entire business model is predicated on organizing and making findable information about companies, and generating a platform to search by unique criterion. Doing so involves some conceptual work with NLP to make things findable. Samiur talks about what Mattermark is doing with this technology now and where he thinks the future may take the field, and interesting topic for investors and founders alike.

Artificial Intelligence Industry – An Overview by Segment 950×540

Artificial Intelligence Industry – An Overview by Segment

Today's artificial intelligence market is not easy to quantify. Besides the lack of consensus on a coherent definition for "artificial intelligence" as a term, the field's nascent stage of development makes it difficult to carve out silos or hard barriers of where one industry or application ends, and another begins.

Predictive Analytics Offers Customized Solutions to Complex Problems - A Conversation with IBM's Swami Chandrasekaran 2

Predictive Analytics Offers Customized Solutions to Complex Problems – A Conversation with IBM’s Swami Chandrasekaran

Episode Summary: The artificial intelligence field is normally seen as burgeoning and new, populated with lots of small, scrappy companies aiming to become the next de-facto solution, with maybe one exception - “Big Blue”. IBM has been involved since the ‘beginning’ and is perhaps best known for Watson, which has from Jeopardy to a range of applications in small and big businesses, as well as the public sector. Swami Chandrasekaran is chief technologist of industry apps and solutions for IBM, and he speaks in this episode about what he sees as some of the low-hanging fruit for applying predictive models to business data. Swami has seen this technology applied in a variety of contexts, from automotive and shipping to telcos and more, providing an informed perspective for industry executives, data scientists, and anyone else interested in the intersection of predictive analytics and business.

Closing Gaps in Natural Language Processing May Help Solve World’s Tough Problems -  A Conversation with Dr. Dan Roth

Closing Gaps in Natural Language Processing May Help Solve World’s Tough Problems – A Conversation with Dr. Dan Roth

Episode SummaryPeople often mark progress by what they see, but there’s often much more going on behind the scenes, the up and coming, that marks actual current progress in any particular field. The same can said to be true for natural language processing, and Dr. Dan Roth’s research in this field makes him privy to the advancements that most of us are bound to miss.

Making Genies - Apple's Acquisition of VocalIQ and the Importance of Speech Recognition

Making Genies – Apple’s Acquisition of VocalIQ and the Importance of Speech Recognition

Apple's recent acquisition of UK-based speech recognition company VocalIQ was done in as mysterious a manner as any of their other acquisitions, with no overt explanation from Apple, and no open reply from the acquired team.