Partner Content Articles and Reports

This section features our sponsored interviews, articles, reports in partnership with some of the most exciting brands in artificial intelligence. Explore our library of partner content below:

Artificial Intelligence and the Evolution of the Sales Process

Artificial Intelligence and the Evolution of the Sales Process

Artificial Intelligence has many applications in marketing and advertising. However, it may prove useful in the near-term future for businesses to start looking into AI solutions for after they generate a lead. AI already has applications for converting leads into paying customers and making progress on various steps in the sales process overall.

An Overview of AI for Wealth Management – What’s Possible Today?

An Overview of AI for Wealth Management – What’s Possible Today?

According to a 2017 report by the Financial Stability Board, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning firms managed assets of over $10 billion in 2017, with further growth projected in the next five years. The reasons for this are clear; AI can now present wealth managers with new capabilities to enhance and further personalize their services, at scale.

Crowdsourced Machine Vision Training - Use Cases and Explanation

Crowdsourced Machine Vision Training – Use Cases and Explanation

Data is essential when it comes to building machine learning models for business applications. A strong AI strategy is predicated on data that is specific to the business problem a company is trying to solve, as outlined in our recent article: Data Collection and Enhancement Strategies for AI Initiatives in Business. When it comes to executing on that strategy, oftentimes the first thing a company needs to do is collect some or all of the data it will need to build the right machine learning model for its use case.

How to Hire a Machine Learning Engineer

How to Hire a Remote Machine Learning Engineer

When searching Indeed at the time of writing this article, over 770 remote machine learning job listings were posted. A search on LinkedIn yielded over 1,200 results.

Crowdsourced Natural Language or Speech Training - Use Cases and Explanation

Crowdsourced Natural Language or Speech Training – Use Cases and Explanation

When it comes to planning an AI initiative, a business will need to determine the method by which to acquire the data necessary to meet their objectives. Data is essential when it comes to succeeding with AI. An effective AI strategy is built on top of data that is specific to the business problem a company is trying to solve.

How to Hire a Natural Language Processing Engineer

How to Hire a Natural Language Processing Engineer

One highly sought after engineering role at major tech companies today is the natural language processing, or NLP, engineer.

How AI Ethics Impacts the Bottom Line - An Overview of Practical Concerns

How AI Ethics Impacts the Bottom Line – An Overview of Practical Concerns

This week on AI in Industry, we are talking about the ethical consequences of AI in business. If a system were to train itself to act in unethical or legally reprehensible ways, it could take actions such as filtering or making decisions about people in regards to race or gender.

What Executives Should be Asking about AI Use-Cases in Business

What Executives Should be Asking about AI Use-Cases in Business

When contemplating a new venture into AI or machine learning, companies need to take on a number of important considerations that relate to talent, existing data, and limitations. One way executives can judge how successful or appropriate and AI project would be for their company is to examine use cases of businesses that have previously done something similar.