Partner Content Articles and Reports

This section features our sponsored interviews, articles, reports in partnership with some of the most exciting brands in artificial intelligence. Explore our library of partner content below:

Deep Learning in the Enterprise - Current Traction and Challenges 1

Deep Learning in the Enterprise – Current Traction and Challenges

Rather than coming up with completely new processes or products that involve deep learning, companies say they are using this AI technology to expand on functions or tasks that already existed at their organization, according to a new report published by O’Reilly.

Crowdsourced Ad Reviews - How Human Input Helps Refine AI Systems

Crowdsourced Ad Reviews – How Human Input Helps Refine AI Systems

For large eCommerce, media and travel companies, running huge campaigns requires substantial effort and human oversight. Translating and laying out ads for dozens of languages is a challenge that one day machines may master — but they’ll do so with the help of constant human guiding and adjustments.

AI in the European Insurance Market - Predictions and Trends

AI in the European Insurance Market – Predictions and Trends

AI could play a major role in the way European insurers do business going forward. It may provide insurers new methods for collecting customer data that offer valuable insights insurers can use to attract and maintain customers.

Discovering Customer Experience Trends with Natural Language Processing

Discovering Customer Experience Trends with Natural Language Processing

Understanding customer feedback gets harder and harder at greater scale and with a greater variety of channels through which customers can provide feedback. Businesses that seek to better grasp the sentiments of their customers might have to sift through thousands of messages in order to get a feel for what customers are saying about their products or services.

Amazon Fake Review

Crowdsourced Content Moderation – How it Works and What’s Possible

As the web grows and we spend more and more time online, moderation becomes a bigger and bigger challenge. Content influences buyers, and businesses eager to gain the trust of those customers are likely to do whatever they can to win.

The Financial ROI of AI Hardware - Top-Line and Bottom-Line Impact

The Financial ROI of AI Hardware – Top-Line and Bottom-Line Impact

Episode Summary: At Emerj, we often talk about the software capabilities of AI and the tangible return on investment (ROI) of recommendation engines, fraud detection, and different kinds of AI applications. We rarely talk about the hardware side of the equation, and that will be our focus today. For hardware companies like Nvidia, stock prices have soared thanks to the popularity of new kinds of AI hardware being needed not only in academia but also among the technology giants. Increasingly, AI hardware is about more than just graphics processing units (GPUs).

Crowdsourced Search Relevance for eCommerce and Online Retail

Crowdsourced Search Relevance for eCommerce and Online Retail

Using makes it seem like eCommerce search just “works.” Type in the title of a book (“The Catcher in the Rye”), a general description of apparel (“red rain boots for kids”) or electronics (“green Playstation 3 Controller”), and you get what you were looking for.

Artificial intelligence for High Frequency Retail - Pricing, Inventory and Margins Optimization

Artificial intelligence for High Frequency Retail – Pricing, Inventory and Margins Optimization

High-frequency retail (HFR) segments, such as groceries and drug stores, have ongoing challenges with profit margin - with grocery margins nearing 1% on average, according to an analyst from market research firm IBISWorld.