Partner Content Articles and Reports

This section features our sponsored interviews, articles, reports in partnership with some of the most exciting brands in artificial intelligence. Explore our library of partner content below:

Connected Insurance and AI - The Possibilities of IoT Data

Connected Insurance and AI – The Possibilities of IoT Data

The ability of companies to collect external data is likely to change the insurance industry as it is today. Traditionally, insurance companies would collect internal data from customers: data such as their weight, gender, and any family history of health issues. However, with the advent of technologies making possible the collection of data specific more to individuals than large groups of people, insurance companies could be able to offer unique, tailor-made policies to their customers.

Artificial Intelligence Hardware - Who Should Adopt it First, and Why?

Artificial Intelligence Hardware – Who Should Adopt it First, and Why?

From the soaring stock price of NVIDIA, to the cutting-edge developments at Facebook and Google, AI hardware is a hot topic. We set out to learn more about what executives should know about the coming developments in AI hardware - and how it might impact different industries and sectors.

Crowdsourced Sentiment Analysis - Applications in Social Media and Customer Service

Crowdsourced Sentiment Analysis – Applications in Social Media and Customer Service

Over the last 3-4 years, sentiment analysis has become a more and more common term - understood by marketers and businesspeople alike. The idea is simple: An artificial intelligence system that can detect the emotional “tone” or sentiment of a specific text document (as long as a book, or as short as a tweet).

Improving Customer Experience with AI, Gaining Quantifiable Insight at Scale

Improving Customer Experience with AI, Gaining Quantifiable Insight at Scale

A myriad of customer service channels exist today, such as social media, email, chat services, call centers, and voice mail. There are so many ways that a customer can interact with a business and it is important to take them all into account.

Industrial AI Applications - How Time Series and Sensor Data Improve Processes

Industrial AI Applications – How Time Series and Sensor Data Improve Processes

Over the past decade, the industrial sector has seen major advancements in automation and robotics applications. Automation in both continuous process and discrete manufacturing, as well as the use of robots for repetitive tasks are both relatively standard in most large manufacturing operations (this is especially true in industries like automotive and electronics).

Business Intelligence Through Intellectual Property Analytics - Examining Facebook and Amazon

Business Intelligence Through Intellectual Property Analytics – Examining Facebook and Amazon

Intellectual property (IP) is about more than preventing competitors from copying a technology or idea. IP informs a number of other strategic initiatives for companies:

The Fundamentals of Data Literacy and Data Management Preparing for AI in Enterprise

The Fundamentals of Data Literacy and Data Management Preparing for AI in Enterprise

Implementing artificial intelligence into an existing business is about more than algorithms. In fact, many AI researchers believe that algorithms are the easiest part of an artificial intelligence implementation.

The Value of Networking for AI-Focused Business Leaders

The Value of Networking for AI-Focused Business Leaders

As interest in artificial intelligence has exploded in the last two years, the prevalence of AI-related events has followed suit.
Leaders across industries are developing an interest in where AI will impact their sectors, and what they should be doing about it now. In partnership with RE•WORK, we decided to get perspective on the value of networking and events from executives with experience both in business, and in hard science of AI.
Our interviewees for this article - Tom Wilde, CEO at indico, and Daniel Golden, Director of Machine Learning at Arterys - are speakers at the RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit & Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit on May 24 - 25th in Boston, MA.
In this article we’ll aim to answer the following questions: