Partner Content Articles and Reports

This section features our sponsored interviews, articles, reports in partnership with some of the most exciting brands in artificial intelligence. Explore our library of partner content below:

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence-min

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence – with Matt Berseth of NLP Logix

Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence meant for analyzing, understanding, and generating human language. It enables computers to process and interpret natural language data, allowing for more natural interactions between humans and machines.

Jumpstarting International AGI Governance-1

Jumpstarting International AGI Governance – a Snapshot from the Millennium Project’s Recent Expert Survey

Riya Pahuja also contributed reporting to this article.

As AI systems become increasingly capable of greater cognitive functions across vast enterprises and public functions, more severe concern around how these technologies might impact humanity and how those impacts are covered by relevant media is becoming a central talking point across global governing bodies.

UNICRI on responsible AI criteria and other tool kits@2x-min

UNICRI-Approved Responsible AI Toolkits for Law Enforcement

The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) was established in 1968 as an autonomous institution in response to a United Nations resolution urging expanded crime prevention and criminal justice activities. UNICRI's mission is to advance justice, crime prevention, security, and the rule of law to support peace, human rights, and sustainable development. 

OECD-Approved AI Tools and Resources for Financial Services@2x

OECD-Approved AI Tools and Resources for Financial Services

The OECD.AI Policy Observatory is an inclusive platform that brings together resources and expertise from the OECD and its partners to facilitate dialogue and provide evidence-based policy analysis on the impact of AI. It is built upon the foundation of the OECD AI Principles, the first intergovernmental standard on AI adopted in 2019, endorsed by OECD countries and partner economies.

Data Collection and Enhancement Strategies for AI Initiatives in Business

Data Collection and Enhancement Strategies for AI Initiatives in Business

There’s more to successful AI adoption than picking the right technology. Business leaders should be aware of the technical requirements of the initiative they’re undertaking, and few of those requirements are as important as data.

Two NLP Use-Cases in Drug Discovery and Clinical Trials

Two NLP Use-Cases in Drug Discovery and Clinical Trials

This article was originally written as part of a PDF report sponsored by, and was written, edited and published in alignment with our transparent Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

Bridging AI's Trust Gaps

Bridging AI’s Trust Gaps – The Role of Corporate Leaders

This is a contributed article by The Future Society, edited by Emerj and authored by Samuel Curtis, Sacha Alanoca, Nicolas Miailhe, Yolanda Lannquist, Adriana Bora. To inquire about contributed articles from outside experts, contact [email protected].

AI-Based Enterprise Search for Claims Processing and Fraud Detection

AI-Based Enterprise Search for Claims Processing and Fraud Detection

Large insurance companies have been experimenting with AI since the middle of the 2010s, piloting chatbots and collecting telematics data for future AI projects. The insurance industry more than many others relies on the collection of data to make critical business decisions.  Whether writing policies, or processing claims efficiently the way insurers employ data will determine the lifetime value of the customer.