AI Articles and Analysis in Finance

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.

002 – What Responsible AI Means for Financial Services – with Scott Zoldi

What Responsible AI Means for Financial Services – with Scott Zoldi 

Implementing responsible AI in the financial sector is crucial for ethical practices, fairness, and transparency. Financial institutions must prioritize data privacy, address biases, ensure explainability, and practice ongoing monitoring. By doing so, they build trust, mitigate risks, and foster sustainable growth. 

001 – Finding _Ground Truth_ In Accounting Workflows – with Michael Hitchcock of Intuit

Finding “Ground Truth” In Accounting Workflows – with Michael Hitchcock of Intuit

While accounting as a discipline has roots going back to the 13th century, current-day accounting software is still based on manual record-keeping just as it was in the 1990s, only with digital checks in a digital checkbook register, allowing users to keep track of their finances on a computer.

001 – Market Surveillance and AI – Two Use Cases-min

Market Surveillance and AI – Two Use Cases

Market surveillance refers to activity authorities conduct to ensure that products available to consumers adhere to applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, market surveillance in banking and finance takes a somewhat specific form.

002 – AI at MetLife-min

Artificial Intelligence at MetLife – Three Use Cases

MetLife is a leading global insurance company headquartered in New York City. It provides its customers various insurance and financial services, including life insurance, health insurance, retirement plans, and investment management.

The Importance of NLP in Insurance@2x-min

The Importance of NLP in Insurance – with Gero Gunkel of Zurich Insurance

Although not often regarded as a technological first-mover, the insurance industry has recently seen robust, even rapid, adoption and deployment of AI capabilities, particularly in those related to natural language processing (NLP). 

AI Use Cases for Trust Automation in Insurance@2x-min

AI Use Cases for Trust Automation in Insurance – with Christian van Leeuwen of FRISS

Insurance is a growing arena for AI adoption and in many cases, automation is leading the way to streamline customer experiences and the organizational pipelines behind them along the entire customer journey.

Artificial Intelligence at DocuSign 950×540

Artificial Intelligence at DocuSign – Two Current Use-Cases

DocuSign is an American company that provides digitized document management services. The company’s target market are companies who need help managing electronic business agreements.

Artificial Intelligence at Paypal

Artificial Intelligence at PayPal – Two Unique Use-Cases

The company that would become PayPal Holdings first entered the electronic payments space in 1999, a year after being founded as Confinity. Confinity merged with Elon Musk’s in 2000 and was renamed PayPal the following year. The company went public in 2002 shortly before its acquisition by eBay, through which it became “the site’s official payments provider.” eBay spun off PayPal as an independent company in 2015.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.