AI Sector Overviews Articles and Reports

Artificial intelligence “sector overview” reports are designed to help business leaders explore the possibilities and important AI trends across industries. Search our sector overview reports below:

Machine Learning Drug Discovery Applications - ....

Machine Learning Drug Discovery Applications – Pfizer, Roche, GSK, and More

Discovering a new drug is a long, expensive and often haphazard process. Thousands of compounds are subject to a progressive series of tests, and only one might turn out to be a viable drug. Any tool which can speed up just one of these steps in this long multi-step process would have big implications down the entire chain. This is why some of the largest pharmaceutical companies are turning to AI to help the process.

How the 4 Largest Airlines Use Artificial Intelligence

How the 4 Largest Airlines Use Artificial Intelligence

The U.S. commercial airline system is an economic engine which generated an estimated $168.2 billion in operating revenue in 2016. Ticket fares represented 74.5 percent of operating revenue or $125.2 billion. In 2016, the overall category of transportation represented approximately 2.7 percent of the national GDP.

AI for Weather Forecasting

AI for Weather Forecasting – In Retail, Agriculture, Disaster Prediction, and More

For most people, the direct impact of improvements in weather forecasting may seem to be that it simply makes vacation planning easier, but even smallest advancement in predicting the weather can produce massive improvements for businesses and governments.

Facial Recognition Applications - Security, Retail, and Beyond

Facial Recognition Applications – Security, Retail, and Beyond

Facial recognition technology has been traditionally associated with the security sector but today there is active expansion into other industries including retail, marketing and health. By 2022, the global facial recognition technology market is projected to generate an estimated $9.6 billion in revenue with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.3 percent*.

Examples of AI in Restaurants and Food Services

Examples of AI in Restaurants and Food Services

The food service industry is an economic staple generating billions of dollars in annual revenue and representing 2.1 percent of the U.S. GDP in 2016. Technology has made on-demand food ordering possible and the industry is pivoting towards more innovative approaches to meet and exceed customer expectations. As a result, artificial intelligence applications are steadily making their way into the food service industry.

Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce 950×540

Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce – Comparing the Top 5 Largest Firms

eCommerce is a bustling segment of the retail industry representing an estimated $102.7 billion or 8.3 percent of total U.S. retail sales in 2016. Total retail trade was approximated at 5.9 percent of the national GDP in 2016. As digital transactions become the standard method of purchasing goods and services, leading eCommerce firms are exploring how AI can enhance brand competitiveness and customer loyalty.

Commercial Drone Regulations - Near-Term Challenges and Consequences

Commercial Drone Regulations – Near-Term Challenges and Consequences

The vision of an army of small unmanned aerial vehicles streaming through the sky to rapidly deliver food packages has captured the imagination of the public, the media, and most importantly some of the largest companies in the world. Achieving this vision won’t just require overcoming the technological and safety challenges, but also significant buy-in from the public and policy makers.

AI for Good - An Overview of Altruistic AI Initiatives

AI for Good – An Overview of Benevolent AI Initiatives

The impact of AI on business and the role it may play in improving efficiency of operations and driving revenue is a main focus of the research conducted at Emerj. However, there are also a growing number of altruistic applications of AI that are being leveraged today.