AI Podcast Interviews Articles and Reports

Our podcast interviews feature the best and brightest executives and researchers in artificial intelligence today, and each episode highlights current and near-term AI use-cases of value for business leaders. Explore our full list of AI podcast episodes below:

NLP for Text Summarization and Team Communication

NLP for Text Summarization and Team Communication

Episode Summary: In this episode of the podcast, we interview AIG’s Chief Data Science Officer, Dr. Nishant Chandra, about natural language processing (NLP) for internal and team communication. Dr. Chandra talks about how NLP can help with sharing documents with specific team members whose roles warrant viewing those documents.

How to Determine the Best Artificial Intelligence Application Areas in Your Business

How to Determine the Best Artificial Intelligence Application Areas in Your Business

Episode Summary: This week’s episode of the AI in Industry podcast focuses on two main questions. First, how should business leaders determine the most fruitful, potential applications of AI in their business? Second, how do they choose the right one into which to invest resources?

The Future of Advertising and Machine Learning - Audience Targeting, Reach, and More

The Future of Advertising and Machine Learning – Audience Targeting, Reach, and More

Episode Summary: Facebook and Google’s advertising complex is founded on machine learning, allowing people to self-serve their data needs across a broad audience. India-based InMobi is a company in the advertising technology space that delivers 10 billion ad requests daily.

How Existing Businesses Should Organize Their Data Assets for AI 1

How Existing Businesses Should Organize Their Data Assets for AI

Episode Summary: Companies with wells of data at their disposal may find themselves asking how they can use them in meaningful ways. Generally speaking, a clean set of data is the foundation for AI applications, but business owners may not know how exactly to organize their data in a way that allows them to best leverage AI. How exactly does a business transition from having data with the potential for usefulness to having data that’s going to allow for an accurate, helpful machine learning tool—one that can actually help solve business problems?

White Collar Automation in Healthcare - What's Possible Today?

White Collar Automation in Healthcare – What’s Possible Today?

Episode summary: In this episode of "AI in Industry" podcast, we speak with Manoj Saxena, the Executive Chairman of CognitiveScale, about how AI and automation are being applied to white-collar processes in the healthcare sector.

Using NLP for Customer Feedback in Automotive, Banking, and More

Using NLP for Customer Feedback in Automotive, Banking, and More

Episode Summary: Natural language processing (NLP) has become popular in the past two years as more businesses processes implement this technology in different niches. In inviting our guest today, we want to know specifically which industries, businesses or processes NLP could be leveraged to learn from activity logs.

Emotional AI

Can Businesses Use “Emotional” Artificial Intelligence?

Episode summary: This week on AI in Industry, we speak to Rana el Kaliouby, Co-founder and CEO of Affectiva about how machine vision can be applied to detecting human emotion - and the business value of emotionally aware machines.

Better Than Elasticsearch? How Machine Learning is Improving Online Search 1

Better Than Elasticsearch? How Machine Learning is Improving Online Search

Episode summary: In this episode of AI in Industry, we speak with Khalifeh Al Jadda, Lead Data Scientist at CareerBuilder, about the applications of machine learning in improving a user’s search experience.