AI Podcast Interviews Articles and Reports

Our podcast interviews feature the best and brightest executives and researchers in artificial intelligence today, and each episode highlights current and near-term AI use-cases of value for business leaders. Explore our full list of AI podcast episodes below:

Turning Data Strategy into AI ROI@2x

Turning Data Strategy into AI ROI – with TJ Shembekar of IBM

This article has been sponsored by IBM, and was written, edited, and published in alignment with Emerj’s sponsored content guidelines. 

AI in Oil and Gas, Unlocking the Value of Data

AI in Oil and Gas, Unlocking the Value of Data

This article has been sponsored by Iron Mountain, and was written, edited, and published in alignment with Emerj’s sponsored content guidelines. 

AI Impact in Mortgage Processing Workflows@2x

AI Impact in Mortgage Processing Workflows

This article has been sponsored by Iron Mountain, and was written, edited, and published in alignment with Emerj's sponsored content guidelines. 

Stuart Russell – AI Governance – Emerj

Stuart Russell on AI Governance – AI Futures Podcast (S1E1)

This week we kick off the first episode in our new AI Futures series. This 12-part series will focus on the near-term and long-term governance of artificial intelligence. Our intention with this series is to take our grounding in the near-term applications or artificial intelligence, and extend the conversation forward to the long-term implications of AI.

The Unique Requirements and Considerations for AI in Robotics

The Unique Requirements and Considerations for AI in Robotics

Applying AI to the real world is much more difficult than applying it in digital ecosystems; this is what makes robotics use-cases in business so much more difficult than applications such as AI-enabled fraud detection.

AI Hardware Challenges and Considerations in the Enterprise

AI Hardware Challenges and Considerations in the Enterprise

Large enterprises are eager to use artificial intelligence software, but many of them aren't aware of the hardware required to execute many AI capabilities. To get a better idea of these hardware considerations, Emerj spoke with Victoria Rege, Director of Alliances & Strategic Partnerships and Graphcore, for Kisaco Research's AI Hardware Summit in Europe, which takes place October 29 - 30 in Munich, Germany.

AI Search and Discovery for Streamlining the Mortgage Process

AI-Enabled Search and Discovery for Streamlining the Mortgage Process

AI may have a role to play in digitizing the paper-heavy mortgage process, facilitating more streamlined search and discovery for entities across a variety of digital and scanned PDF documents. We spoke with Dan Cortright, Senior Director of Product Management at Iron Mountain, about just that. Courtright discusses how AI could help approve loans quicker, better assess risk, and allow employees to pull up documents they need to respond to customer requests.

Strategic Recommendations for AI in Banking - Near-term Considerations

Strategic Recommendations for AI in Banking – Near-term Considerations

Four months ago we launched our AI in Banking podcast where we covered some of the most critical topics related to AI adoption and implementation in banks and financial institutions each month. Our series was based on interviews with AI industry experts, many of whom also shared their valuable insights during our first comprehensive banking research project, the AI Vendor Scorecard and Capability Map.