Partner Content Articles and Reports

This section features our sponsored interviews, articles, reports in partnership with some of the most exciting brands in artificial intelligence. Explore our library of partner content below:


AI in Life Sciences Trends and Terms that Executives Need to Know

Artificial intelligence has already established a small but growing presence in the life sciences industry today, starting with drug discovery and development and now in emerging applications across the product life cycle.

Cognitive Robotic Process Automation – Current Applications and Future Possibilities

Cognitive Robotic Process Automation – Current Applications and Future Possibilities

The following brand partnership article was written by BIS Research analyst Rahul Papney, and edited by Raghav Bharadwaj of Emerj. For information about our advertising and publishing arrangements with brands, please visit our partnerships page.

InfoSys AI Research

The Impact of AI on Business Leadership and the Modern Workforce

This article was written by Sudhir Jha (Senior Vice President & Global Head of Product Management and Strategy), and was edited and created in partnership with Infosys. For more information about content and promotional partnerships with Emerj, visit the Emerj Partnerships page.

The Analogy of AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Analogy of AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Emerj's own Daniel Faggella will be speaking at BootstrapLaps Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference on April 12th, 2018. Leading up to the #AAI18 event, we've partnered with BootstrapLabs to spark a conversation around AI in industry by putting together an article about Dan's recent conversation with  Nicolai Wadstrom, Founder and CEO of BootstrapLabs.

Natural Language Processing for Call Centers - What's Possible and What's Valuable

Natural Language Processing for Call Centers – What’s Possible and What’s Valuable

While customer service is making its way to Facebook Messenger and other burgeoning platforms - a massive percentage of customer support inquiries are handled the way they have been for years: Over the phone or on chat.

Natural Language Processing - Current Applications and Future Possibilities

Natural Language Processing – Current Applications and Future Possibilities

A 2017 Tractica report on the natural language processing (NLP) market estimates the total NLP software, hardware, and services market opportunity to be around $22.3 billion by 2025. The report also forecasts that NLP software solutions leveraging AI will see a market growth from $136 million in 2016 to $5.4 billion by 2025.

How Microtasking Helps Optimize AI-Based Search - in Media, eCommerce and More

How Microtasking Helps Optimize AI-Based Search – in Media, eCommerce and More

When we search on Google or Amazon, we’re reminded of the improved capabilities of artificial intelligence over the last half decade.
What we often don’t realize is the role that human beings have in tagging and manually working through near-infinite reams of data to develop genuinely relevant search.
Sure, data scientists and ML specialists must construct a search system - but for the time being - much of the “human-like” results that we get in the world of social media, search engines, and Commerce - comes from - well, humans.
This week on AI in Industry we interview Vito Vishnepolsky of ClickWorker. Clickworker is a large and well-rated microtasking marketplace. Clickworker cloud technology platform caters data management and web research services as well as AI algorithms training. The firm claims to have over one million workers on its global platform as of September 2017.
Vito’s perspective is valuable because he has a finger on the pulse of crowdsourced demand, handing business development for various crowdsourced AI support services - both for tech giants and startups.

3 Waves of AI Transformation in Industry - Pattern Matching, Ubiquitous Access, and Deductive Reasoning

3 Waves of AI Transformation in Industry – Pattern Matching, Ubiquitous Access, and Deductive Reasoning

The following article has been written by Josh Sutton, Global Head, Data & Artificial Intelligence at Publicis.Sapient. Publicis is one of the world's largest. Editing and formatting added by the Emerj team. For information about our thought leadership and publishing arrangements with brands, please visit our partnerships page.