AI Sector Overviews Articles and Reports

Artificial intelligence “sector overview” reports are designed to help business leaders explore the possibilities and important AI trends across industries. Search our sector overview reports below:

Text Mining in Banking - An Overview of Capabilities

Text Mining in Banking – A Brief Overview of Capabilities

Banks are starting to deploy natural language processing (NLP) to make use of enterprise and customer data in text mining applications ranging from gauging customer sentiments to enterprise search.

AI-based Business Process Management in Banking - Current Use-Cases

AI-based Business Process Management in Banking – Current Use-Cases

Business process management (BPM) in banking involves the automation of operations management by identifying, modeling, analyzing, and improving business processes. Many banks already have some form of BPM for various process. For example, compliance processes at most banks tend to have some form of software automation in their workflows.

Artificial Intelligence for Payments – Current Capabilities and Use-Cases

Artificial Intelligence for Payments – Current Capabilities and Use-Cases

Retailers and financial institutions are adopting artificial intelligence and machine learning in their business to solve various business problems such as cybersecurity and document digitization. However, many of these companies are also using AI to improve their payment processes for their clients and customers. These types of applications are usually layered into an existing payments technology stack, which could include straight-through processing (STP) or robotic process automation (RPA).

AI for Identity Theft Protection in Banking – With Charts and Graphs

AI for Identity Theft Protection in Banking – With Charts and Graphs

Identity fraud was the number one method of fraud that affected businesses globally according to The Communications Fraud Control Association's (CFCA) Fraud Loss Survey.

The Chatbot Landscape – 20 Chatbot Applications Across Industry Sectors

The Chatbot Landscape – 20 Chatbot Applications Across Industries

Chatbots are one of the most talked-about uses of natural language processing (NLP) software in business. Some of the most common application areas for chatbots include customer service, healthcare, and financial advisory.


The State of RPA in Banking – With Charts and Graphs

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a rule-based software solution that automates repetitive tasks without any self-learning capabilities. It is not inherently artificial intelligence. RPA vendors now offer AI-tools as add-ons to their automation platforms. This includes RPA applications in banking where some form of AI, such as computer vision or natural language processing, is a part of the automation workflow.


AI for Cybersecurity in Insurance – Current Applications

The insurance industry is responsible for a multitude of sensitive financial data concerning both its customer base and staff. Any breach to an insurance company's CRM or other claims database could compromise the personal data of multiple people at once, which puts the company at risk as well.

AI for Cybersecurity in Banking - Where Banks Are Investing Today

AI for Cybersecurity in Banking – Where Banks Are Investing Today

Hackers are cyberattackers are using more sophisticated methods to break into digital networks; they themselves have also started employing artificial intelligence techniques to bypass detection systems.