Machine Learning for Decision Support in Tax and Accounting

Machine Learning for Decision Support in Tax and Accounting

Episode Summary: Many machine learning applications in business can be boiled down to some form of decision support. There are big decisions like deciding whether or not to merge or acquire another company, and there might be smaller decisions like whether or not a tumor has enough traits that make it seem like it's worth a surgical procedure or if it's worth leaving alone.

The Current State of Machine Learning for Medical Transcription

Machine Learning for Medical Transcription – Current Applications

There are several companies claiming to offer AI-based medical transcription software, specifically speech recognition software, to hospitals and healthcare companies. We found that these solutions are intended to help hospitals and healthcare companies with medical transcription in different forms, transcribing speech into text in order to fill out and update patient medical records in electronic health record (EHR) and electronic medical record (EMR) databases.
Machine Learning for Medical Transcription - Insights Up Front
We can’t seem to find evidence that the prominent companies offering speech recognition software for medical transcription have what we would expect in terms of talent at their company, except for Nuance Communications. It isn’t clear how exactly their solutions could work without natural language processing, a kind of artificial intelligence. Nuance employs many data scientists with PhDs and Master’s degrees in computer science and hard sciences like physics. This is generally what we look for when it comes to vetting a company on their claims to leveraging artificial intelligence and cutting through the marketing hype we so often see on AI vendor websites.

AI and Machine Learning in the European Pharmaceutical Industry

AI and Machine Learning in the European Pharmaceutical Industry

Accenture reports that in 2017, the 16 top biopharmaceutical companies in the world had an aggregate global revenue of $428 billion, which was nearly half the global pharmaceutical market by net sales. The report also revealed a shift to specialty drugs for hard-to-treat diseases.

Setting Up Retail Stores for Machine Learning – Cameras, Microphones, and More

Setting Up Retail Stores for Machine Learning – Cameras, Microphones, and More

Episode Summary: We speak this week with Aneesh Reddy, cofounder and CEO of Capillary Technologies, which focuses on machine vision applications in the retail environment.

AI in Martech - Current Applications

Machine Learning in Martech – Current Use Cases

Moore Stephens estimated the size of the marketing technology or martech industry around $24 billion in 2017. It follows that AI would find its way into the martech world. Numerous companies claiming to assist organizations in their marketing; we wrote a report on marketing and AI detailing this connection.

The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Broadly, artificial intelligence involves a machine doing something that only a human would be able to do. That said, computer scientists disagree on if certain computing capabilities from several years ago still constitute AI. Nowadays, many of these capabilities might just be called software.

How to Hire a Machine Learning Engineer

How to Hire a Remote Machine Learning Engineer

When searching Indeed at the time of writing this article, over 770 remote machine learning job listings were posted. A search on LinkedIn yielded over 1,200 results.

AI in Taste and Art – The Current State of Machine Learning for Understanding Preferences

AI in Taste and Art – The Current State of Machine Learning for Understanding Preferences

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have fueled technological innovations in marketing, eCommerce, and several other industries. Many people experience the benefits of AI and ML systems without even knowing it every time they search on Google or click on a song in Spotify.

Machine Learning in Radiology - Current Applications

Machine Learning in Radiology – Current Applications

It should come as no surprise that AI has found its way into radiology in a similar fashion to most other medical fields. Many AI vendors selling into the radiology field are just beginning to gain regulatory approval. We researched the use of AI in radiology to better understand where AI comes into play in the industry and to answer the following questions:

How Machine Learning Could Help CPG Companies Beat Out Their Competitors

How Machine Learning Could Help CPG Companies Beat Out Their Competitors

Episode Summary: One of most fun parts about doing our geolocation pieces at TechEmeergence is that we are able to interview so many people within a given country or city. Recently we did a huge piece on AI in India. We got to interview folks from the government and the bigger existing businesses, as well as a handful of people at the unicorns in Bangalore.