AI Articles and Analysis in Transportation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence in transportation, including coverage of self-driving cars, public transportation systems, and more.

Boeing's AI Applications for the Military - Autonomous Jets, Subs, and Spacecraft

Boeing’s AI Applications for the Military – Autonomous Jets, Subs, and Spacecraft

Boeing offers a number of autonomous vehicles to the military, which it claims can help military operators effectively complete both routine and critical missions with less risk of endangering the lives of military operators. In 2017, Boeing Defense, the predominantly non-commercial division of Boeing that focuses on government contracts, reported 29.5 Billion dollars in revenue. This makes it the second largest defense contractor for the US military and the world. Boeing, established in 1916,  is a publicly traded company that employs over 120,000 people.

AI In Aerospace - Current Applications and Innovations

AI in Aerospace – Current Applications and Innovations

According to Accenture, approximately 66% of A&D executives polled indicated they are looking at investing in AI for 2019, particularly on security, production, and R&D. 80% believe that AI-based decisions will have a direct impact on the workforce by 2021.

AI in the Automotive Industry – Insurance and Self-Driving Car Applications

AI in the Automotive Industry – Insurance and Self-Driving Car Applications

Statista estimated that the market for partially autonomous cars will be at $36 billion by 2025, and the market for fully autonomous cars will be at $6 billion. We researched the automotive space to discover how and where AI might be driving business value for companies in the auto industry. The companies in this report all claim to offer one of two sectors of the industry:

AI in the Travel and Tourism Industry – Current Applications

AI in the Travel and Tourism Industry – Current Applications

Deloitte estimated the size of the global travel and tourism industry at around $1.6 trillion in 2017. When adding in the indirect and induced economic contributions of related activities, the travel and tourism industry accounts for 10.4% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).

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Automotive Repair Equipment OEM uses AI to Monetize Repair Service Data

Tech Provider: Predii - a company which specializes in building AI platforms designed for repair and maintenance services in the industrial equipment and automotive sector

AI for Self-Driving Car Safety - Current Applications

AI for Self-Driving Car Safety – Current Applications

Allied Market Research estimated the value of the global autonomous vehicle (AV) industry to reach $54.23 billion in 2019, increasing to $556.67 billion by 2026 at an annual growth rate of 39.47% during that period. It follows that AI would find its way into the autonomous vehicle world. We detailed our own timeline for self-driving cars, pooling quotes and insights from executives at the top 11 global automakers.

Machine Vision for Self-Driving Cars - Current Applications

Machine Vision for Self-Driving Cars – Current Applications

MicKinsey estimated that by 2030, up to 15% of cars sold will be autonomous vehicles. We detailed our own timeline for self-driving cars, pooling quotes and insights from executives at the top 11 global automakers.

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Computer Vision Applications – Shopping, Driving and More

Computer vision, an AI technology that allows computers to understand and label images, is now used in convenience stores, driverless car testing, daily medical diagnostics, and in monitoring the health of crops and livestock.


Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence in transportation, including coverage of self-driving cars, public transportation systems, and more.