AI Articles and Analysis about Business intelligence and analytics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for business intelligence and analytics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.

AI and IoT in Banking and Finance - Current Applications

AI and IoT in Banking and Finance – Current Applications

There are several companies claiming to offer AI solutions to banks and financial institutions. We found that these solutions are intended to help banking and finance companies with at least one of the following business problems:

Lockheed Martin’s AI Applications for the Military

Lockheed Martin’s AI Applications for the Military – An Overview

Lockheed Martin offers numerous artificial intelligence solutions to the US military. The company claims to help military operators effectively complete both routine and critical missions with less risk of endangering the lives of military operators. In 2017, Lockheed Martin reported $51 billion in revenue, $35.2 billion reported from contracts with the US Government. This makes Lockheed Martin the largest contractor for the US military and the largest defense contractor in the world.

An Overview of AI for Wealth Management – What’s Possible Today?

An Overview of AI for Wealth Management – What’s Possible Today?

According to a 2017 report by the Financial Stability Board, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning firms managed assets of over $10 billion in 2017, with further growth projected in the next five years. The reasons for this are clear; AI can now present wealth managers with new capabilities to enhance and further personalize their services, at scale.

AI in Fintech - Current Applications and Use Cases

AI in Fintech – Current Applications and Use Cases

In their recent Worldwide Spending on Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence Systems report, IDC estimated that banking investments in cognitive and AI systems in 2018 might total around $4.0 billion. Many AI vendors claim to offer software for numerous finance use cases, such as credit scoring, insurance underwriting, debt collection, fraud detection, and more recently, financial regulations, or so-called regtech.

Setting Up Retail Stores for Machine Learning – Cameras, Microphones, and More

Setting Up Retail Stores for Machine Learning – Cameras, Microphones, and More

Episode Summary: We speak this week with Aneesh Reddy, cofounder and CEO of Capillary Technologies, which focuses on machine vision applications in the retail environment.

Big Data in Finance - Current Applications and Trends

Big Data in Finance – Current Applications and Trends

International Data Corporation (IDC) reported in their  Worldwide Semiannual Big Data and Analytics Spending Guide that global investment in big data and business analytics (BDA) will grow from $130.1 billion in 2016 to more than $203 billion in 2020. In a previous report, we covered machine learning in the finance sector, and in this report, we dive deeper into big data solutions and data management platforms for financial institutions. The companies in this report all claim to help financial institutions with at least one of the following:

AI in Auto Insurance - Current Applications

AI in Auto Insurance – Current Applications

KPMG estimated the size of the automotive insurance is expected to shrink by 70% due to the rise in demand for autonomous cars and the shift in liability then being placed on the car manufacturer. With the rise of AI in most sectors, it follows that AI would find its way into the automotive insurance world. AI may allow car insurance companies to keep up with an evolving consumer base that is looking for faster service, faster payouts, and policy prices tailored to them.

Business Intelligence in Retail - Current Applications

Business Intelligence in Retail – Current Applications

In 2017, Emerj conducted research into the applications of machine learning in marketing with 51 different AI-focused marketing executives. The AI marketing vendors we spoke to named retail and eCommerce as the top sectors ripe for applying marketing AI software. Below is a graphic from our research showing the sectors that AI marketing vendors sell into most:

Business intelligence and analytics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for business intelligence and analytics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.