AI Articles and Analysis in Media

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in the media sector, including coverage of telecommunications, news, movies, and more.

Artificial Intelligence for Video Search and the YouTube of the Future

Machine Learning for Video Search and Video Education – How it Works

Episode Summary: AI, specifically natural language processing, has made it easier to understand text as a medium in a deeper, more efficient way and at scale. With video, the situation is quite different. AI is already being used to help industries that work in the video medium. However, searching for content within videos is more challenging because video is not just voice and sound, it is also a collection of moving and still images on screen. How could AI work to overcome that challenge?

AI for Speech Recognition - Current Companies, Technology, and Where Its Headed 1

AI for Speech Recognition – Current Companies, Technology, and Trends

Speech recognition is technology that can recognize spoken words, which can then be converted to text. A subset of speech recognition is voice recognition, which is the technology for identifying a person based on their voice.

Amazon Fake Review

Crowdsourced Content Moderation – How it Works and What’s Possible

As the web grows and we spend more and more time online, moderation becomes a bigger and bigger challenge. Content influences buyers, and businesses eager to gain the trust of those customers are likely to do whatever they can to win.

Artificial Intelligence for Video Marketing - Emotion Recognition, Video Generation, and More

Artificial Intelligence in Video Marketing – Emotion Recognition, Video Generation, and More

eMarketer estimates that 62% of global internet users accessed digital video in 2017, and that number is expected to rise to 63.4% by 2020. This may be marginal growth, but, essentially, consumers are expected to spend more time watching video content. 

Better Than Elasticsearch? How Machine Learning is Improving Online Search 1

Better Than Elasticsearch? How Machine Learning is Improving Online Search

Episode summary: In this episode of AI in Industry, we speak with Khalifeh Al Jadda, Lead Data Scientist at CareerBuilder, about the applications of machine learning in improving a user’s search experience.

AI for Social Media Censorship - How it Works at Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

AI for Social Media Censorship – How it Works at Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

A 2017 report by the Pew Research Center found that 69 percent of the American public use some type of social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

Artificial Intelligence for Content Marketing and Content Creation

Artificial Intelligence for Content Marketing and Content Creation

Episode Summary: Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be applied to tasks such as customer service handling or in chatbots to answer fact based questions. Another emerging application for NLP is in content marketing and content production.

AI in Disney, Viacom, and Entertainment Giants

Artificial Intelligence at Disney, Viacom, and Other Entertainment Giants

Artificial intelligence has found its way in different areas in the entertainment industry from offering customized recommendations on your Friday night movies (as in the case of Netflix) to delivering sports match highlights during live TV coverage. In the latter, this was made possible in the 2017 U.S. Open Tennis Championships when IBM Watson Media used its AI tool to showcase play highlights right after they occur.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in the media sector, including coverage of telecommunications, news, movies, and more.