AI Articles and Analysis in Healthcare

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in healthcare, including coverage of diagnostics, pharma, drug development, medical billing, and more.

The State of AI Applications in Healthcare – An Overview of Trends 4

The State of AI Applications in Healthcare – An Overview of Trends

This article is based on a panel discussion facilitated by Emerj (Techemergence) CEO Dan Faggella on the state of AI in the healthcare industry. The panelists were Just Biotherapeutics Chief Business Officer Carolina Garcia Rizo (representing healthcare startups) and Senior Manager for A.I./Machine Learning at Bayer Kevin Hua (representing big pharma). This session was part of the Applied Artificial Intelligence Conference by Bootstraps Labs held in San Francisco on April 12, 2018. The video of the panel is provided below:

NLP for Text Summarization and Team Communication

NLP for Text Summarization and Team Communication

Episode Summary: In this episode of the podcast, we interview AIG’s Chief Data Science Officer, Dr. Nishant Chandra, about natural language processing (NLP) for internal and team communication. Dr. Chandra talks about how NLP can help with sharing documents with specific team members whose roles warrant viewing those documents.

Machine Learning for Nursing - 8 Current Applications

Machine Learning for Nursing – 8 Current Applications

With an ongoing nurse shortage in the United States and other areas, startups and global companies have begun developing methods for handling time-consuming responsibilities traditionally held by nurses, ranging from daily operations to diagnosis.

AI for Virtual Medical Assistants - 4 Current Applications 1

AI for Virtual Medical Assistants – 4 Current Applications

Virtual assistants operating in response to voice or text interactions have steadily gained traction and formed a profitable sector, according to Research and Markets. The market research firm projects that total revenue will hit $15.8 billion in 2021 up from $1.6 billion in 2015. The firm also estimates that total global consumers will reach 1.8 billion by 2021.

Artificial intelligence in Health Insurance - Current Applications and Trends

Artificial intelligence in Health Insurance – Current Applications and Trends

Health insurance is a critical component of the healthcare industry with private health insurance expenditures alone estimated at $1.1 billion in 2016, according to the latest data available from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This figure represents 34 percent of the 2016 National Health Expenditure at $3.3 trillion.  

Predictive Analytics - 5 Examples of Industry Applications

Predictive Analytics – 5 Examples of Industry Applications

Businesses today around the world have some portion of their operations being automated, which concurrently has meant that a lot of data about these processes is being collected (from sensors or internal company data etc). A combination of AI, big data analytics, and data science techniques seem to be a growing trend in many industry sectors, with predictive analytics being one of the most well-known.

Data Mining Medical Records with Machine Learning - 5 Current Applications

Data Mining Medical Records with Machine Learning – 5 Current Applications

According to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the progress of the value-based healthcare delivery system in the U.S. — a provider payment model based on patient outcomes — has run almost parallel to the significant implementation rate of electronic health records/electronic medical records (EHR/EMR).

White Collar Automation in Healthcare - What's Possible Today?

White Collar Automation in Healthcare – What’s Possible Today?

Episode summary: In this episode of "AI in Industry" podcast, we speak with Manoj Saxena, the Executive Chairman of CognitiveScale, about how AI and automation are being applied to white-collar processes in the healthcare sector.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in healthcare, including coverage of diagnostics, pharma, drug development, medical billing, and more.