Setting the Right AI Expectations 950x540

Setting the Right AI Expectations – A Key for Turning Pilots into Deployments

Setting expectations.

In our ongoing poll of new Emerj Plus members indicates that in addition to "accessing more AI use-cases" and "measuring AI ROI," our members consistently tell us that they join in order to "set expectations for AI projects" - especially with leadership.

AI in Oil and Gas, Unlocking the Value of Data

AI in Oil and Gas, Unlocking the Value of Data

This article has been sponsored by Iron Mountain, and was written, edited, and published in alignment with Emerj’s sponsored content guidelines. 

7 Critical Factors for Developing an AI Strategy

7 Critical Factors for Developing an AI Strategy

Many books could be written on the subject of AI strategy, and we've seen that "strategy" means something different from one enterprise to the next. This article is a brief overview of the common steps in creating an AI strategy - in roughly the order that the steps are usually executed.

AI Impact in Mortgage Processing Workflows@2x

AI Impact in Mortgage Processing Workflows

This article has been sponsored by Iron Mountain, and was written, edited, and published in alignment with Emerj's sponsored content guidelines. 

Developing AI Products or Services - Selecting Your Niche

Developing AI Products or Services – Four Ways to Select a Niche

This article was a request from one of our Catalyst members. The Catalyst Advisory Program is an application-only coaching program for AI consultants and service providers. The program involves one-to-one advisory, weekly group Q-and-A with other Catalyst members, and a series of proprietary resources and frameworks to land more AI business, and deliver more value with AI projects. Learn more at

How AI Champions Can Thrive Amidst COVID-19 Disruption 950x540

How AI Champions Can Thrive Amidst COVID-19 Disruption

Amidst the uncertainty of COVID19, our polls and surveys of enterprise leaders have show two trends to be consistent:

Establishing Measurable ROI Benchmarks for AI Projects

Establishing Measurable ROI Benchmarks for AI Projects – A 5-Step Process

This article was a request from one of our Catalyst members. The Catalyst Advisory Program is an application-only coaching program for AI consultants and service providers. The program involves one-to-one advisory, weekly group Q-and-A with other Catalyst members, and a series of proprietary resources and frameworks to land more AI business, and deliver more value with AI projects. Learn more at

Discovering AI Opportunities Starts with the Right Team 950x540

Discovering AI Opportunities Starts with the Right Team

Vetting AI opportunities implies a hodge-podge of contextual knowledge that are almost never to be found together in a single expert, including (but not limited to) an understanding of:

Comparing 5 AI Business Models - Part 2 950x540

Comparing 5 AI Business Models – Part 2 – Pros and Cons from Vendor Perspective

This article was a request from one of our Catalyst members. The Catalyst Advisory Program is an application-only coaching program for AI consultants and service providers. The program involves one-to-one advisory, weekly group Q-and-A with other Catalyst members, and a series of proprietary resources and frameworks to land more AI business, and deliver more value with AI projects. Learn more at

Comparing 5 AI Business Models - Part 1 950x540

Comparing 5 AI Business Models – Part 1 – Transformation or Near-Term Value?

This article was a request from one of our Catalyst members. The Catalyst Advisory Program is an application-only coaching program for AI consultants and service providers. The program involves one-to-one advisory, weekly group Q-and-A with other Catalyst members, and a series of proprietary resources and frameworks to land more AI business, and deliver more value with AI projects. Learn more at