AI Podcast Interviews Articles and Reports

Our podcast interviews feature the best and brightest executives and researchers in artificial intelligence today, and each episode highlights current and near-term AI use-cases of value for business leaders. Explore our full list of AI podcast episodes below:

Kids These Days Need "Ethical Hacking" - Interview with Iris Learnings Founder Shruti Malik

Kids These Days Need “Ethical Hacking” – Interview with Iris Learnings Founder Shruti Malik

I can't write code to save my life, so taking apart an iPhone is out of the question. My academic experience consisted of "keyboarding" class in high school, and everything after that was scrambling to build businesses and websites from scratch.

The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Technology with SparkBeyond CEO Sagie Davidovich

Sagie Davidovich – SparkBeyond CEO – The Dynamics of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Technology

I've been fortunate as of late to communicate with many young and budding emerging tech entrepreneurs in the past month (despite everything else going on here), and Sagie Davidovich is certainly counted among them. Still a young man, Sagie is founder and CTO of multiple companies (most recently in the domain of the "semantic web"), he's now founder and CEO of SparkBeyond, a company aiming to revolutionize software and it's adaptability.

Commercial AGI is a Catch 22? Interview with Adaptive AI CEO Peter Voss

Commercial AGI is a Catch 22? Interview with Adaptive AI CEO Peter Voss

Peter Voss was blessed with a ten-year sabbatical. Not from academia, but from business.

After listing his first commercial software company on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (he lived in South Africa at the time), Peter sold it, and the next ten years were dedicated to learning about... learning.

Interview with SciFutures CEO Ari Popper

Interview with SciFutures CEO Ari Popper

On the surface, it might be easy to make the argument that the farthest thing from business operations is science fiction. Star Trek and IPOs aren't known for having any kind of direct correlation, and unless you're making futuristic video games, there doesn't seem to be any explicit reason to study Ray Bradbury or Isaac Assimov.

Transparency vs. Privacy - a Conversation with Dr. Ashraf Aboshosha

Transparency vs. Privacy – a Conversation with Dr. Ashraf Aboshosha

In the 21st century, our privacy doesn't have much to do with our "paper trail," but instead involves our "digital trail." From cell phone GPS to email to Google Glass, secrets are harder to keep than ever - and private is beginning to lose it's "private-ness." Dr. Ashraf Aboshosha, Editor-in-Chief at of the International Congress for Global Science and Technology (ICGST), believes that this transition to transparency may be necessary in order for us to create a better world.

Standing on the Shoulders of One Smart Robot - Neurala's Massmilano Versace

Standing on the Shoulders of One Smart Robot – Neurala’s Massmilano Versace

One thing that all emerging companies need?  A great tagline.  See “brains for botsTM”, and automatically think Neurala, a Boston-based company at the forefront of developing brain-mimicking software for cost-effective, efficient, and more intelligent robots.  A recent interview with Neurala’s CEO Massmilano Versace sheds light on the company’s roots, progress, and vision for the future.
Neurala got its start in 2006, after Versace and fellow PhD students, who were pursuing computational neuroscience at Boston University, enrolled in a business course “for fun” and later realized that neuronal-based technology had profound commercial implications.  These experiences fed the seed of an idea that sprouted into Neurala.  The organization’s first project was in collaboration with another BU colleague, who was working on developing a sniper-detecting robot for the U.S. Army.  After the first few years of taking a more consultory approach, Neurala decided to build a software business in 2011.

The View through Google Glass - with Tim Stevens

The View through Google Glass – with Tim Stevens

Google Glass is a hands-free, increasingly mobile way of going wireless and staying connected.  Tim Stevens, Editor in Chief of Engadget tech blog, is one of the few pioneers in trying out Google Glass, actively wearing and trying out the ‘Explorer Edition’, a gateway to augmented reality in the 4th dimension.

An Economist's Thoughts on Technological Progress - with Jim Rogers

An Economist’s Thoughts on Technological Progress – with Jim Rogers

Recently, Emerj had a chance to catch up with Jim Rogers, the famed author, investor, and co-founder of the Quantum Fund with legendary investor George Soros. He is now chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc, and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index. As an best-selling author, Rogers has penned Investment Biker: Around the World with Jim Rogesr (1995), Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip (2003), and many other works.