AI Podcast Interviews Articles and Reports

Our podcast interviews feature the best and brightest executives and researchers in artificial intelligence today, and each episode highlights current and near-term AI use-cases of value for business leaders. Explore our full list of AI podcast episodes below:

Advocating a More Sustainable Business Culture in an Automated World - A Conversation with Douglas Rushkoff

Advocating a More Sustainable Business Culture in an Automated World – A Conversation with Douglas Rushkoff

Episode Summary: How does automation influence society today? This is an open-ended question with likely endless answers that can be observed in many different areas of society. As a Writer, Speaker, and Professor in Media Theory and Economics, Douglas Rushkoff has made it his livelihood to examine the impacts of automation in our evolving digital society. In this episode, we speak about his 'disappointment' in how automation has been used by many industries without regard for employees' long-term well being, and how a cultural shift in business' priorities may be what's needed to make automation beneficial for the majority.

How Will the World Be Different When Machines Can Finally Listen? - A Conversation with Baidu's Adam Coates

Adam Coates of Baidu – How Will the World Be Different When Machines Can Finally Listen?

Episode Summary: This week's in-person interview is with Dr. Adam Coates, who spent 12 years at Stanford studying artificial intelligence before accepting his current position of Director of Baidu's Silicon-Valley based artificial intelligence lab. We speak about his ideas around consumer artificial intelligence applications and impact and what he's excited about, as well as what he thinks may be more 'hype' than reality. He gives a an idea about applications that Baidu is working, to potentially influence billions of mobile and computer users worldwide. If you're interested in the developments of speech recognition and natural language processing, this is an episode you won't want to miss.

Closing Gaps in Natural Language Processing May Help Solve World’s Tough Problems -  A Conversation with Dr. Dan Roth

Closing Gaps in Natural Language Processing May Help Solve World’s Tough Problems – A Conversation with Dr. Dan Roth

Episode SummaryPeople often mark progress by what they see, but there’s often much more going on behind the scenes, the up and coming, that marks actual current progress in any particular field. The same can said to be true for natural language processing, and Dr. Dan Roth’s research in this field makes him privy to the advancements that most of us are bound to miss.

The Rise of Neural Networks and Deep Learning in Our Everyday Lives - A Conversation with Yoshua Bengio

The Rise of Neural Networks and Deep Learning in Our Everyday Lives – A Conversation with Yoshua Bengio

[This interview has been revised and updated.]

Episode SummaryHow do neural networks affect your life? There’s the one that you walk around with in your head of course, but the one in your pocket is an almost constant presence as well. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Yoshua Bengio about how the neural nets in computer software have become more ubiquitous and powerful, with deep learning algorithms and neural nets permeating research and commercial applications over the past decade. He also discusses likely future opportunities for deep learning in areas such as natural language processing and individualized medicine. Bengio was a researcher at Bell Labs with Yann LeCun, now at Facebook, and was working on neural nets before they were the "cool" new AI technology as it's often perceived today.

Fear Not, AI May Be Our New Best Partners in Creative Solutions - A Conversation with Dr. James Hendler

Fear Not, AI May Be Our New Best Partners in Creative Solutions – A Conversation with Dr. James Hendler

Episode SummaryStatements about AI and risk, like those given by Elon Musk and Bill Gates, aren’t new, but they still resound with serious potential threats to the entirety of the human race. Some AI researchers have since come forward to challenge the substantive reality of these claims. In this episode, I interview a self-proclaimed “old timer” in the field of AI who tells us we might be too preemptive about our concerns of AI that will threaten our existence; instead, he suggests that our attention might be better  honed in thinking about how humans and AI can work together in the present and near future.

Neural Nets Just One Strand in a Braided Approach to Building Strong AI - A Conversation with Pieter Mosterman

Neural Nets Just One Strand in a Braided Approach to Building Strong AI – A Conversation with Pieter Mosterman

Episode SummaryEmerj has had a number of past guests who have talked about neural networks and machine learning, but Dr. Pieter Mosterman speaks in-depth about the pendulum swing in this approach to AI from the 1960s to today. What we call neural networks as a general approach to developing AI has come in and out of favor two or three times in the last 50+ years. In this episode, Dr. Pieter Mosterman speaks about the shift in this approach and why neural networks have gone in and out of favor, as well as where the pendulum may take us in the not-too-distant future.

Open-Minded Conversation May Be Our Best Bet for Survival in the 21st Century - A Conversation with Lord Martin Rees

Open-Minded Conversation May Be Our Best Bet for Survival in the 21st Century – A Conversation with Lord Martin Rees

Episode SummaryFew astrophysicists are as decorated as Martin Rees, Baron Rees of Ludlow, who was a primary contributor to the big-bang theory and named to the honorary position of UK's astronomer royal in 1995. His work has explored the intersections of science and philosophy,  as well as human beings’ contextual place in the universe. In his book "Our Final Century", published in 2003, Rees warned about the dangers of uncontrolled scientific advance, and argued that human beings have a 50 percent chance of surviving past the year 2100 as a direct result. In this episode, I asked him why he considers AI to be among one of the foremost existential risks that society should consider, as well as his thoughts around how we might best regulate AI and other emerging technologies in the nearer term.

Putting the Art in Artificial Intelligence with Creative Computation - A Conversation with Phillipe Pasquier

Putting the Art in Artificial Intelligence with Creative Computation – A Conversation with Phillipe Pasquier

Episode SummaryWhen we think about AI, we often think about optimizing some particular task. In most circumstances through computation there is an optimal chess move, or an optimal way to determine pattern in data, or solve a math problem, or route info through servers. Most of us are aware of these uses, but what about creative tasks? Can these also be optimized? If we want to give a computer information and tell it to create powerpoint slides, is there an optimal way to create such slides? Dr. Philippe Pasquier’s computational research is focused on artificial creativity. In this episode, we talk about how to define a very new field, train machines in this area, and also discuss trends and developments that might permit such technology to thrive in the next 10 years.