AI Podcast Interviews Articles and Reports

Our podcast interviews feature the best and brightest executives and researchers in artificial intelligence today, and each episode highlights current and near-term AI use-cases of value for business leaders. Explore our full list of AI podcast episodes below:

Follow the Data: Deep Learning Leads the Transformation of Enterprise - A Conversation with Naveen Rao 3

Follow the Data: Deep Learning Leads the Transformation of Enterprise – A Conversation with Naveen Rao

Episode Summary: “Artificial intelligence (AI) can be seen as a progression in our scalability of labor.” This quote comes from this week’s guest, Naveen Rao, who received his PhD in Neuroscience from Brown before becoming CEO at Nervana Systems, which works on full stack solutions to help companies solve machine learning (ML) problems at scale. In this week’s episode, Rao speaks about certain domains in industry where he feels optimistic about machine learning (ML) making a difference in the next five to 10 years, providing interesting perspectives that include advances in the areas of agriculture and oil & gas.

Building to Scale: How Yahoo! Turns Machine Learning into Company-Wide Systems - A Conversation with Amotz Maimon 2

Building to Scale: How Yahoo! Turns Machine Learning into Company-Wide Systems – A Conversation with Amotz Maimon

Episode Summary: Many employers (and employees) are familiar with the ‘painful’ learning curves of using multiple software products or platforms at once, but these may not be gripes you want to share with Amotz Maimon. This week, we feature an interview recorded at Yahoo headquarters with its Chief Architect, Amotz Maimon. He speaks about technology governance and how companies small and large can make faster and better decisions around what technologies to use, how to integrate and streamline the processes, and how to integrate machine learning into the mix (which Yahoo has been using for the past decade). This episode provides important insights for those looking to scale such technologies within their own businesses.

Pulling Back the Curtain on Machine Learning Apps in Business - Lorien Pratt 2

Pulling Back the Curtain on Machine Learning Apps in Business – Lorien Pratt

Episode Summary: If you’re in the San Francisco Bay area, it’s not all that novel to be trained in or working on some form of AI; however, to be doing so in the 1980s and 1990s was a more rare occurrence. Dr. Lorien Pratt has been working with neural nets and AI applications for many decades, and she does lots of consulting work in implementing these technologies with companies in the Bay area. In this episode, Lorien provides her unique perspective on decades of development and adoption in AI as we ask, where is the traction today in places where it wasn’t 5 or 10 years ago? We also discuss where Lorien thinks machine learning applications in business and government seem to be headed in the near term.

Machine Learning Opening New Doors in Human Resource Industry - A Conversation with Ben Waber

Machine Learning Opening New Doors in Human Resource Industry – A Conversation with Ben Waber

Episode Summary: When we think about applying AI and data science to different areas of business, we often think about those domains that offer a wide swath of quantitative metrics that we can feed a machine, like marketing or finance. Human resources (HR) normally doesn’t fit the bill. How we hired someone, how we felt about them when we hired them, how they perform qualitatively, these are things that are often difficult to discern in team dynamics. That being said, big teams like Google are applying machine learning (ML) to some of their HR choices, and our guest today believes more companies will be doing the same in future. CEO of Humanyze Ben Waber applies ML  to HR decision-making, helping people get better employees and better performance by measuring and improving using data science in new ways.

From Past to Future, Tracing the Evolutionary Path of FinTech - A Conversation with Brad Bailey 2

From Past to Future, Tracing the Evolutionary Path of FinTech – A Conversation with Brad Bailey

Episode Summary: There are hedge funds and financial institutions that already use real-time data and sentiment analysis from social media, articles and videos in real-time to potentially make better trading decisions - but what does it mean when those same companies can use real-time satellite information to detect company activities and make trades based on that data? In this episode, Research Director of Capital Markets at Celent Securities discusses the focus on emerging technologies in trading and finance. He talks about the way that analytics and machine learning have affected the ways banks operate, the kinds of data that hedge funds and individual investors now have at their fingertips, and what that means for the future implications of AI-related technology in the finance world.

NLP Systems Have a Lot to Learn from Humans - A Conversation with Catherine Havasi 2

NLP Systems Have a Lot to Learn from Humans – A Conversation with Catherine Havasi

Episode Summary: Not more than 10 years ago, it would have been difficult to talk into your phone and have anything meaningful happen. AI and natural language processing (NLP) have made large leaps in the last decade, and in this episode Dr. Catherine Havasi articulates why and how. Havasi talks about how NLP used to work, and how a focus on deep learning has helped transform the prevalence and capabilities of NLP in the industry. For the last 17 years, Havasi has been working on a project through the MIT Media Lab called ConceptNet, a common sense lexicon for machines. She is also Founder of Luminoso, which helps businesses make sense of text data and improve processes, and one of a handful of female leaders in the AI field who we've had the privilege of interviewing in the past year.

Insights on the Symbiotic Relationship Between Data Science and Industry - A Conversation with Lukas Biewald

Insights on the Symbiotic Relationship Between Data Science and Industry – A Conversation with Lukas Biewald

Episode Summary: When it comes to data science and machine learning, what are the related skills that are getting people jobs and what are the industries that are supplying those in-demand jobs? These are two important questions that we discuss in this week’s episode with CrowdFlower’s CEO Lukas Biewald, whose company is providing a pragmatic perspective of the industry by focusing on assessing job listings and related information in the field of data science. If you’re a company that is interested in finding someone with in-demand data science and related skills, or if you’re in the market to find a position in this field, this episode will likely be very useful!

How Cognitive Computing Can Change the Nature of Business Operations - A Conversation with Praful Krishna

How Cognitive Computing Can Change the Nature of Business Operations – A Conversation with Praful Krishna

Episode Summary: When you go to Harvard Business School and then to McKinsey company to work in private equity, there’s really only one thing left to do - go to Silicon Valley and launch an AI startup. At least, this is exactly what CEO Praful Krishna did when he moved to San Francisco to start Coseer, an AI company focused on understanding natural language and unstructured data. In this week’s episode, we speak about where unstructured data lives in a business, and how a business can be changed if the right data is unlocked. Krishna also discusses his experience in how executives are making decisions around how, or how not to, leverage AI in their companies.