AI Podcast Interviews Articles and Reports

Our podcast interviews feature the best and brightest executives and researchers in artificial intelligence today, and each episode highlights current and near-term AI use-cases of value for business leaders. Explore our full list of AI podcast episodes below:

Building and Retaining a Data Science Team

Building and Retaining a Data Science Team

Episode summary: This week on AI in Industry, we speak with Equifax's Dr. Rajkumar Bondugula about how the dynamics, composition and requirements of the data science team have evolved over the years. Raj also shares valuable insights on how to build a robust data science and machine learning team, use its collective intelligence to solve problems, and retain the team by engaging them with the right problems they expect to solve.

Machine Learning for IoT Security - with Dr Bob Baxley of Bastille

Machine Learning for IoT Security – with Dr Bob Baxley of Bastille

This week on AI in Industry, we explore IoT security with Bob Baxley (Chief Engineer at Bastille). This includes information on how different IoT security is compared to infosec, the unique challenges IoT security presents (for detecting and scanning wireless network traffic that runs on various protocols and for classifying types of cyberthreats), what the future of IoT security might look like, and how deep learning and machine learning tools can be used to better classify and detect threats and attacks in the cyberspace.

AI for Social Influence and Behavior Manipulation with Dr. Charles Isbell

AI for Social Influence and Behavior Manipulation with Dr. Charles Isbell

Introduction: In this episode of AI in Industry, we explore how artificial intelligence can be use to manipulate human behavior - in gaming and in business. We explore how game designers use psychology and machine learning to drive their own desired outcomes, leaving users to "feel" in control.

Ben Goertzel on TechEmergence

Ben Goertzel on How Blockchain Might Make AI More Accessible

If you combine the hype-factor of both "blockchain" and "artificial intelligence" you often get a supernova of jargon. This week on the AI in Industry podcast, we aim to get beyond the hype to discuss how blockchain might make AI more accessible for small and mid-sized businesses in the years ahead. Dr. Ben Goertzel - CEO of SingularityNET - is our guest this week.

Machine Learning with Less Training Data - Approaches and Trends

Machine Learning with Less Training Data – Approaches and Trends

Expert systems and machine learning are two ends of a spectrum working to solve similar problems quite differently. One one hand you have if-then scenarios and a logical approach, and on the other you have vast neural networks and a big data approach. Some companies exist to try and bridge the gap between the if-then rule systems and the massive piles of data. They hope to find a middle ground of sorts, one that mitigates their individual disadvantages. One such company is Montreal’s

How Chatbots Work, and How They Evolve

How Chatbots Work, and How They Evolve

Introduction: There’s a lot of hype out there about conversational AI. Although according to our guest, we’re nowhere near the day when AI can generate accurate conversations for the average business to integrate into their customer service, chatbots still have practical applications. In this episode, we interview the head of research at Digital Genius, Yoram Bachrach. Yoram succinctly outlines the current applications of chatbots—what they can and can’t do—and details how business can best prepare to automate their customer service.

Machine Vision for Advertising - Possibilities in Social and Online Media

Machine Vision for Advertising – Possibilities in Social and Online Media

Episode Summary: How can machine learning help us advertise through social media? In this episode, Thomas Jelonek, CEO of, talks to us about how in the next five years, machine learning might automate the laborious guess-and-check process of finding visual content with which users can engage. Right now, finding images and videos that will best generate engagement is a task reserved for a human. He or she shifts through images and video clips that may work for an audience based on anecdotal evidence and perception of past post success. Learn how, according to Thomas, machine learning could help you save time and money, generate you a better ROI, and build you a larger list with more accurate targeting on social media.

Modeling Biology with Machine Learning - with's CEO Kristóf Zsolt Szalay

Modeling Biology with Artificial Intelligence – with’s CTO Kristóf Zsolt Szalay

Episode Summary: This episode explores the ways in which artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine. This week's guest,'s Dr. Kristóf Zsolt Szalay speaks to this topic, discussing research that hopes to create automated learning networks and algorithms designed to predict the development of human cells in response to drugs. This technological innovation would make it possible for near-instantaneous simulations to be run, allowing optimal combinations and optimal doses of drugs to be pinpointed and distributed to patients.