AI Articles and Analysis about Enterprise resource planning

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for enterprise research planning, including applications for compliance, risk management, case management, and more.

Applying Artificial Intelligence in B2B and B2C - What's the Difference?

Applying Artificial Intelligence in B2B and B2C – What’s the Difference?

We discussed the difficulties large businesses may have in adopting AI in our previous article; despite this, last month we fleshed out the reasons why it’s still more difficult for small businesses to apply AI than the enterprise and how they might catch up to larger businesses in the future.

How to Tell if an AI Company is Lying About Using AI

7 Ways to Tell if an AI Company is Lying About Using AI

A few months ago, we spoke about three rules of thumb for assessing companies and trying to figure out if they are really doing AI or just using it for marketing purposes in our How to Cut Through the Artificial Intelligence Hype piece. Since it was so popular, I was inspired to write this follow-up.

Artificial Intelligence for Video Search and the YouTube of the Future

Machine Learning for Video Search and Video Education – How it Works

Episode Summary: AI, specifically natural language processing, has made it easier to understand text as a medium in a deeper, more efficient way and at scale. With video, the situation is quite different. AI is already being used to help industries that work in the video medium. However, searching for content within videos is more challenging because video is not just voice and sound, it is also a collection of moving and still images on screen. How could AI work to overcome that challenge?

AI in Blockchain - Current Applications and Trends

AI in Blockchain – Current Applications and Trends

Today, two highly discussed disruptive technologies are artificial intelligence and blockchain. In this piece, we aim to highlight projects where AI and blockchain might be used together to support the B2B environment.

Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management - Current Possibilities and Applications

Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management – Current Possibilities and Applications

Supply chain management (SCM) is critical in almost every industry today - but it hasn't received as much focus from AI startups and vendor companies compared to healthcare, finance, and retail. Businesses are showing increased interest in AI applications, from its benefits to fully leveraging the vast amounts of data collected by industrial logistics, warehousing and transportation systems.

Reducing the Friction of AI Adoption in the Enterprise - with Rudina Seseri

Reducing the Friction of AI Adoption in the Enterprise – with Rudina Seseri

Episode summary: There are many challenges to bringing AI into an enterprise for example the lack of skilled AI talent, or issues around data organization. In this week's episode, we focus on AI adoption in the enterprise from an investor’s perspective.


Enterprise Adoption of Artificial Intelligence – When it Does and Doesn’t Make Sense

Chances are you have already been bombarded on social media or in your inbox about all these “revolutionary AI” this and “game-changer AI” that.