Gautam Narula

Gautam Narula is a machine learning enthusiast, computer science student at Georgia Tech, and published author. He covers algorithm applications and AI use-cases at Emerj.

Articles by Gautam

2 articles
Machine Learning in Gaming - Building AIs to Conquer Virtual Worlds

Machine Learning in Gaming – Building AIs to Conquer Virtual Worlds

In virtual worlds, AIs are getting smarter. The earliest instance of artificial intelligence in games was in 1952, when a lone graduate student in the UK created a rules-based AI that could play a perfect game of tic-tac-toe. Today, teams of researchers are working on—or have already succeeded in—creating AIs that can defeat humans in increasingly complex games.

Deep Learning Applications in Medical Imaging 8

Machine Learning Algorithms for Business Applications – Complete Guide

With the development of free, open-source machine learning and artificial intelligence tools like Google’s TensorFlow and sci-kit learn, as well as “ML-as-a-service” products like Google’s Cloud Prediction API and Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning platform, it’s never been easier for companies of all sizes to harness the power of data. But machine learning is such a vast, complex field. Where do you start learning how to use it in your business?