Event Title: INTERPOL World 2019
Event Host: INTERPOL
Date: July 2 – 4, 2019
Team Member: Daniel Faggella, Emerj Founder and CEO
Contribution: Speaking
Presentation Title: “AI, Programmatically Generated Content, and Power”
What Happened
INTERPOL World is INTERPOL’s large annual law enforcement event. In attendance were high-level law enforcement leaders from around the world, AI thought leaders, and AI vendors selling a variety of technologies discussed later in this update.
Anita Hazenberg, Director of the Innovation Centre of INTERPOL Global Complex Innovation, invited Emerj CEO Daniel Faggella to speak at the event after she saw our presentation at United Nations headquarters, during which we showed a video of a deep fake we made of UNICRI’s director a.i., Bettina Tucci Bartsiotas. Anita also had us speak before for the 1st United Nations-INTERPOL event on AI, which was held in Singapore.
During our presentation, we discussed our ideas on current deepfake technology and falsifiable audio and video. Daniel also presented about the future ramifications of programmatically generated content, including competition between countries and big tech, and how countries may look to own the experience within their digital ecosystems in order to prevent challenges to their power and improve security.
In addition to the presentation, Daniel was interviewed on BTCN Asia and was pulled into primetime television for CNA TV Singapore for their evening news coverage of tech.
What We Learned
- The law enforcement world is thoroughly interested in AI. One year ago, when Daniel was in Singapore for a joint United Nations-INTERPOL event about AI in law enforcement, there was much less interest in AI, and a much smaller initial audience. It was the first explicitly AI-focused event at INTERPOL. This year, INTERPOL World had a number of breakout sessions about AI, keynote speakers on AI, and a lot of media discussion about AI – including vendor companies from around the world.
- The technology vendors that the US and other countries are breaking ties with, such as Huawei and Kaspersky, still had very prominent booths and/or sponsored the event. There didn’t seem to be any bias toward any vendor companies at the event.
- The largest categories of AI-related vendors were biometrics and computer vision vendors for security and surveillance respectively. Although there were vendors for predictive policing and drone applications, they were greatly outnumbered.
Below is a video of my interview with BTCN Asia at INTERPOL World: