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AI Communications Surveillance-1x min

AI for Communications Surveillance and Compliance – Two Use Cases

Communications surveillance in financial services involves both monitoring and analyzing electronic communications within a financial institution to prevent fraud, ensure regulatory compliance, identify and manage risks resulting from inappropriate activity, and maintain integrity in financial markets. 

Retail Fraud & Loss Prevention in Data, Brick-and-Mortar and Beyond – with Chris Nelson of Gap Inc.@2x-min

Retail Fraud & Loss Prevention in Data, Brick-and-Mortar and Beyond – with Chris Nelson of Gap Inc.

Retail fraud and loss prevention have always been significant business concerns impacting profitability and customer trust. However, with the emergence of AI technologies, there is a newfound potential to combat these challenges more effectively. 

Fighting Retail Fraud with Personalization and Classification AI Tools@2x-min (2)

Fighting Retail Fraud with Personalization and Classification AI Tools – with Experts from Instacart, Etsy, and Gap Inc.

This article is sponsored by Riskified, and was written, edited and published in alignment with our transparent Emerj sponsored content guidelines.

Playing Offense and Leveraging the Network Effect to Fight Retail Fraud@2x-min

Playing Offense and Leveraging the Network Effect to Fight Retail Fraud – with Asha Sharma of Instacart and Robert Bedetti of Riskified

This article is sponsored by Riskified, and was written, edited and published in alignment with our transparent Emerj sponsored content guidelines.
The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic is leaving retail and eCommerce enterprises awash in numerous, often chaotic trends, many of which are proving critical for driving AI adoption throughout the industry. Perhaps most prominent among these market dynamics is an enormous shift to online retail.

The Evolution of AI 
for Credit Card Fraud@2x-min

The Evolution of AI for Credit Card Fraud – with Dmitry Efimov of American Express

While machine learning might be as close to a household name as any AI capability in 2023, any serious historian will tell you the technology itself is nothing new. The term 'machine learning' was coined in an IBM study on computer gaming and AI dating back to 1959.

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