Episode Summary: Fifteen years ago, investing in AI may have seemed a bit far-fetched, but today it’s not at all a rare occurrence; however, it’s more rare to find entire firms dedicated to investing entirely in AI. In today’s episode, we’re joined by Saman Farid, co-founder of Comet Labs, an investment firm focused on investment in AI companies across industries. He speaks about his investment hypothesis in the future of AI, why he’s decided to hone his funds in this domain, and the different domains where he believes AI is ripe to disrupt on a global level in the coming few years.
Expertise: Venture capital and private equity
Brief Recognition: Saman Farid spent 15+ years in China, where he started a few companies, before moving back to the west coast, where he’s now making investments in exciting startups and simultaneously building an intelligent machine / robotics accelerator program in San Francisco (www.cometlabs.io). Farid received his MBA from MIT’s International MBA program, a collaboration between MIT Sloan School of Management and Tsinghua SEM (School of Economics and Management), as well as his bachelor of engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art.
Current Affiliations: Managing Director of Comet Labs, Director of Legend Star’s Silicon Valley office
Interview Highlights:
(1:44) Essentially all of what you’re doing with investment activity has to do with AI…why was that the focus and what is the big technical shift that you see in the midst that’s made you hone in all your efforts in that direction?
(5:56) What are some of the common misconceptions that business folks have around what it takes to apply AI meaningfully in their business?
(15:20) What are some particular domains or industries or applications of AI that your’e really excited about?
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