AI Articles and Analysis in Media

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in the media sector, including coverage of telecommunications, news, movies, and more.

Better Than Elasticsearch? How Machine Learning is Improving Online Search 1

Better Than Elasticsearch? How Machine Learning is Improving Online Search

Episode summary: In this episode of AI in Industry, we speak with Khalifeh Al Jadda, Lead Data Scientist at CareerBuilder, about the applications of machine learning in improving a user’s search experience.

AI for Social Media Censorship - How it Works at Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

AI for Social Media Censorship – How it Works at Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter

A 2017 report by the Pew Research Center found that 69 percent of the American public use some type of social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others.

Artificial Intelligence for Content Marketing and Content Creation

Artificial Intelligence for Content Marketing and Content Creation

Episode Summary: Natural Language Processing (NLP) can be applied to tasks such as customer service handling or in chatbots to answer fact based questions. Another emerging application for NLP is in content marketing and content production.

AI in Disney, Viacom, and Entertainment Giants

Artificial Intelligence at Disney, Viacom, and Other Entertainment Giants

Artificial intelligence has found its way in different areas in the entertainment industry from offering customized recommendations on your Friday night movies (as in the case of Netflix) to delivering sports match highlights during live TV coverage. In the latter, this was made possible in the 2017 U.S. Open Tennis Championships when IBM Watson Media used its AI tool to showcase play highlights right after they occur.

How AI and IoT Are Gradually Entering Indian Telecom Companies

How AI and IoT Are Gradually Entering Indian Telecom Companies

The Indian telecom sector has been going through consolidation phase with the major players vying for the lucrative data services market, which is estimated to be worth 950 billion rupees by 2020, growing at a compounded annual rate of 21 percent, as per a report from Business Line. Bharti Airtel has consolidated its position as the No. 1 player with its acquisition of Tata Teleservices’ mobile business and Vodafone’s acquisition of Idea will really change the pecking order, the report suggested.

Musical Artificial Intelligence - 6 Applications of AI for Audio

Musical Artificial Intelligence – 6 Applications of AI for Audio

The U.S. music industry is an economic staple generating an estimated $7.7 billion in retail revenue in 2016, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. The year 2016 also marked the first time that music industry revenue was generated primarily from “streaming music platforms.”

Machine Vision for Advertising - Possibilities in Social and Online Media

Machine Vision for Advertising – Possibilities in Social and Online Media

Episode Summary: How can machine learning help us advertise through social media? In this episode, Thomas Jelonek, CEO of, talks to us about how in the next five years, machine learning might automate the laborious guess-and-check process of finding visual content with which users can engage. Right now, finding images and videos that will best generate engagement is a task reserved for a human. He or she shifts through images and video clips that may work for an audience based on anecdotal evidence and perception of past post success. Learn how, according to Thomas, machine learning could help you save time and money, generate you a better ROI, and build you a larger list with more accurate targeting on social media.

Artificial Intelligence in Sports - Current and Future Applications

Artificial Intelligence in Sports – Current and Future Applications

The North American sports industry is a cultural and economic staple generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. Spectator sports fall under the broader category of arts, entertainment, and recreation, representing 1.1 percent of the GDP in 2016. Artificial intelligence in sports may have been rare just five years ago - but now AI and machine vision are making their way into a number of sports industry applications, from chatbots to computer vision and beyond.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in the media sector, including coverage of telecommunications, news, movies, and more.