AI Articles and Analysis in Media

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in the media sector, including coverage of telecommunications, news, movies, and more.

AI for Customer Experience-Focused Marketing – with David Greenberg of Conversica@2x-min

AI for Customer Experience-Focused Marketing – with David Greenberg of Conversica

From work-from-home policies and digital-first communication with prospects – the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically accelerated many trends already in progress for businesses and consumers. Among sales teams, digitally enabling buyer journeys became a must-have almost overnight.

AI at Meta 950×540

Artificial Intelligence at Meta (Facebook) – Two Current Use-Cases

Meta Platforms Inc. (herein, “Meta”), was known as Facebook up until 2021. Mark Zuckerberg states that the new brand embodies his strategic plan to create a “metaverse” for its customers using AI and VR technology. 

Artificial Intelligence at AT&T

Artificial Intelligence at AT&T – Two Current Use-Cases

AT&T traces its history to 1875 when Bell Telephone was founded soon after Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone. Today, AT&T is the world’s largest telecom and the largest mobile telephone service provider in the US. 

Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence - 5 Near-Term Applications

Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence – 5 Near-Term Applications

By implementing an immersive virtual-reality environment, some AI applications claim it is possible to test products or retail ideas that have not been brought to on the market, putting them on a virtual shelf to study consumer reactions and behavior to real-time merchandising.

Artificial Intelligence for Video Search and the YouTube of the Future

Machine Learning for Video Search and Video Education – How it Works

Episode Summary: AI, specifically natural language processing, has made it easier to understand text as a medium in a deeper, more efficient way and at scale. With video, the situation is quite different. AI is already being used to help industries that work in the video medium. However, searching for content within videos is more challenging because video is not just voice and sound, it is also a collection of moving and still images on screen. How could AI work to overcome that challenge?

AI for Speech Recognition - Current Companies, Technology, and Where Its Headed 1

AI for Speech Recognition – Current Companies, Technology, and Trends

Speech recognition is technology that can recognize spoken words, which can then be converted to text. A subset of speech recognition is voice recognition, which is the technology for identifying a person based on their voice.

Amazon Fake Review

Crowdsourced Content Moderation – How it Works and What’s Possible

As the web grows and we spend more and more time online, moderation becomes a bigger and bigger challenge. Content influences buyers, and businesses eager to gain the trust of those customers are likely to do whatever they can to win.

Artificial Intelligence for Video Marketing - Emotion Recognition, Video Generation, and More

Artificial Intelligence in Video Marketing – Emotion Recognition, Video Generation, and More

eMarketer estimates that 62% of global internet users accessed digital video in 2017, and that number is expected to rise to 63.4% by 2020. This may be marginal growth, but, essentially, consumers are expected to spend more time watching video content. 


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in the media sector, including coverage of telecommunications, news, movies, and more.