AI Articles and Analysis in Finance

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.

001 – Market Surveillance and AI – Two Use Cases-min

Market Surveillance and AI – Two Use Cases

Market surveillance refers to activity authorities conduct to ensure that products available to consumers adhere to applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, market surveillance in banking and finance takes a somewhat specific form.

001 – The Foundational Phase of CX Transformation – with Aamar Hussain of Microsoft-min

The Foundational Phase of CX Transformation – with Aamar Hussain of Microsoft

Customer experience (CX) teams often face a complicated puzzle when it comes to budgetary decisions and resource allocation within their organizations.

002 – AI at MetLife-min

Artificial Intelligence at MetLife – Three Use Cases

MetLife is a leading global insurance company headquartered in New York City. It provides its customers various insurance and financial services, including life insurance, health insurance, retirement plans, and investment management.

002 – Building an Effective AI Team in Financial Services – with Lori Cenci of HSBC-min

Building an Effective AI Team in Financial Services – with Lori Cenci of HSBC

AI is revolutionizing how companies conduct operations, serve customers, and manage risks – driving a USD 20 Billion investment in AI capabilities among BFSI firms last year. As AI continues to transform the industry, financial services organizations will seek to build effective AI teams to stay ahead of the competition. 

002 – AI at Goldman Sachs-min

Artificial Intelligence at Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 and joined the New York Stock Exchange in 1896. Since 2016, Goldman Sachs has begun moving into consumer financial products. The company is headquartered in Lower Manhattan with regional offices in England, Poland, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bangalore, and on US soil in Dallas and Salt Lake City.

000 – Three Metrics Companies Need to Measure Enterprise AI Success-min

Three Essentials for Measuring the Success of Enterprise AI Projects – with Supreet Kaur of Morgan Stanley

Proving the economic value of AI projects remains paramount to the success and continuation of any machine learning-related project. As more companies adopt AI technologies, measuring these projects' success is increasingly important – unfortunately, proving this value is proving anything but straightforward.

002 – AI at PwC-min

Artificial Intelligence at PwC

PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a professional services firm that provides a range of consulting, audit, and advisory services to clients worldwide. Per its annual report, the company's revenue was USD 50.3 billion, employing 328,000 people in 152 countries.

002 – AI at Bank of Montreal-min

Artificial Intelligence at Bank of Montreal – Two Use Cases

Bank of Montreal (BMO) is a North American bank that provides personal and commercial banking, global markets, and investment banking. The bank caters to over 12 million customers with over 1000 branches. Per the bank's 2022 Annual Report, BMO earned approximately CAD 33.71 billion in revenue.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.