AI Articles and Analysis in Finance

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.

NLP for Text Summarization and Team Communication

NLP for Text Summarization and Team Communication

Episode Summary: In this episode of the podcast, we interview AIG’s Chief Data Science Officer, Dr. Nishant Chandra, about natural language processing (NLP) for internal and team communication. Dr. Chandra talks about how NLP can help with sharing documents with specific team members whose roles warrant viewing those documents.


Artificial Intelligence at Investment Banks – 5 Current Applications

In a 2017 symposium in Harvard’s Institute for Applied Computational Science, R. Martin Chavez, Deputy Chief Financial Officer of  Goldman Sachs explains that the company’s US cash equities trading division used to employ over 600 human traders back in 2000. Today that number is down to just two human traders, with the rest of the jobs being taken over by automated trading platforms that are managed by around 200 computer engineers.

Predictive Analytics in Finance - Current Applications and Trends

Predictive Analytics in Finance – Current Applications and Trends

Today, customers interact with banks and financial institutions across several different channels which has lead to an explosion in customer data being collected by these organizations. This data can be effectively leveraged using AI to gain insights on current and future customer behavior.

Artificial intelligence in Health Insurance - Current Applications and Trends

Artificial intelligence in Health Insurance – Current Applications and Trends

Health insurance is a critical component of the healthcare industry with private health insurance expenditures alone estimated at $1.1 billion in 2016, according to the latest data available from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This figure represents 34 percent of the 2016 National Health Expenditure at $3.3 trillion.  

AI in the European Insurance Market - Predictions and Trends

AI in the European Insurance Market – Predictions and Trends

AI could play a major role in the way European insurers do business going forward. It may provide insurers new methods for collecting customer data that offer valuable insights insurers can use to attract and maintain customers.

Predictive Analytics - 5 Examples of Industry Applications

Predictive Analytics – 5 Examples of Industry Applications

Businesses today around the world have some portion of their operations being automated, which concurrently has meant that a lot of data about these processes is being collected (from sensors or internal company data etc). A combination of AI, big data analytics, and data science techniques seem to be a growing trend in many industry sectors, with predictive analytics being one of the most well-known.

Machine Learning for Credit Card Fraud - 7 Applications for Detection and Prevention

Machine Learning for Credit Card Fraud – 7 Applications for Detection and Prevention

In 2015, fraud losses on credit, debit, and prepaid cards issued worldwide reached $21.84 billion, according to a Bloomberg report. By 2020, Bloomberg predicts that this could grow by a rate of 45 percent.

Artificial Intelligence for ATMs - 6 Current Applications

Artificial Intelligence for ATMs – 6 Current Applications

We've noticed a lot of interest from our readers for our pieces dealing with AI applications in the finance and banking sectors. New applications for artificial intelligence often seem to develop by transferring an existing use-case in a related field, and this might be the case with AI applications for ATMs as well.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.