AI Articles and Analysis in Finance

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.

Ai for Lease and Contract Abstraction

AI for Lease and Contract Abstraction – Current Traction

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have introduced new financial and accounting standards which require financial institutions to compile all their lease agreements and accounting reports electronically. These new standards may require significant changes to a financial institution's lease and contract management processes.

AI in Foreign Exchange Trading (Forex) - Current State of the Sector

AI in Foreign Exchange Trading (Forex) – Current State of the Sector

NASDAQ estimates more than $5 trillion is traded every day in what it describes as “the most actively traded market in the word:” foreign exchange, or forex. Business leaders might expect AI to make its way into the forex world the way it has into finance and banking broadly. Most companies claim to assist foreign exchange traders by predicting when to trade or hold onto currencies. As it turns out, however, Most of the AI vendors in the forex space are in fact only claiming to use AI. There is strong evidence to suggest that their claims are illegitimate.

AI for Sentiment Analysis in Finance – Current Applications and Possibilities

AI for Sentiment Analysis in Finance – Current Applications and Possibilities

Some financial institutions have begun investing in departments that focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning applications that could determine their customer's sentiments towards market developments. These applications fall under the category of sentiment analysis. We have previously covered some of the top the machine learning applications in finance. In this report, we focus on AI-based sentiment analysis applications for the finance sector.

Natural Language Processing in Banking - Current Applications

Natural Language Processing in Banking – Current Applications

Our AI in Banking Vendor Landscape and Capability Map report details the state of various AI approaches and capabilities within specific banking functions, measuring them on their level of funding, evidence of ROI and adoption at large banks, and more. In this article, we discuss how and where banks are using natural language processing (NLP), one such AI approach—the technical description of the machine learning model behind an AI product.


Natural Language Processing Applications in Finance – 3 Current Applications

Natural language processing, (NLP) is one AI technique that's finding its way into a variety of verticals, but the finance industry is among the most interested in the business applications of NLP. In fact, according to our AI Opportunity Landscape research in banking, approximately 39% of the AI vendors in the banking industry offer solutions that involve NLP. 

AI for Banking in Europe - 3 Current Applications

AI for Banking in Europe – 3 Current Applications

AutonomousNEXT released a report on the opportunity that AI might create in the banking and financial services industry. The report estimated that by 2030, the potential cost savings by applying AI in banking, investment management, and insurance were $490 billion in front office operations, $350 billion in middle office, $200 billion in the back office operations.

Machine Learning for Finance in the United Kingdom - Current Applications

Machine Learning for Finance in the United Kingdom – Current Applications

We previously covered the top machine learning applications in finance, and in this report, we dive deeper and focus on finance companies using and offering AI-based solutions in the United Kingdom. The UK government released a report showing that 6.5% of the UK's total economic output in 2017 was from the financial services sector. As of now, numerous companies claim to assist financial industry professionals in aspects of their roles from portfolio management to trades.

Business Intelligence in Finance - Current Applications

Business Intelligence in Finance – Current Applications

Reuters referenced a Stratistics MRC figure estimating the size of the business intelligence industry around $15.64 billion in 2016. It follows that AI would find its way into the business intelligence world. In our previous report, we covered 6 use-cases for AI in business intelligence. As of now, numerous companies claim to assist business leaders in the finance domain, specifically, in aspects of their roles using AI.


Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in finance, including coverage of banking, insurance, fintech, and more.