AI Articles and Analysis in Consumer goods

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in consumer goods, including coverage of electronics, fashion, retail, and more.

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Artificial Intelligence at Meta (Facebook) – Two Current Use-Cases

Meta Platforms Inc. (herein, “Meta”), was known as Facebook up until 2021. Mark Zuckerberg states that the new brand embodies his strategic plan to create a “metaverse” for its customers using AI and VR technology. 

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Artificial Intelligence at Nvidia – Two Current Use Cases

NVIDIA is a multinational company known for its computing hardware, especially its graphics processing units (GPUs) and systems on chip units (SoCs) for mobile devices. The company went public on January 22, 1999.

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Artificial Intelligence at Intel – Three Current Applications

Intel was founded in 1968 by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore, who had previously been among the founders of Fairchild Semiconductors. Today, Intel employs over 121,000 people worldwide. In its 2021 annual report, the company reported revenues of $79 billion. As of 2022, Intel trades on the Nasdaq (Symbol: INTC) with a market cap that exceeds $178 billion.

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Artificial Intelligence at eBay – Two Current Use-Cases

The company that would become eBay was founded as a sole proprietorship under the name AuctionWeb in September 1995 by Pierre Omidyar. The company changed its name to eBay in September 1997. The company reports selling just over $7 million in goods before being a California-registered corporation in May 1996.

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AI for Handing Paper Mail Overload – Two Use-Cases

This article was initially written as part of a PDF report sponsored by Iron Mountain and was written, edited, and published in alignment with our Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Emerj Media Services page.

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Artificial Intelligence at Alibaba – Two Current Use-Cases

Per Alibaba’s annual report, its revenue in 2021 exceeded 717 billion yuan (approximately 109 billion U.S. dollars), while its active yearly customers reached nearly 1.3 billion people. As of March 2022, Alibaba trades on the NYSE and has an approximate market cap of $225 billion.

Artificial Intelligence at McDonalds

Artificial Intelligence at McDonald’s – Two Current Use Cases

Dick and Mac McDonald opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in San Bernardino, California in 1940. By the end of the decade, the restaurant added its now-famous French fries. Ray Kroc joined the growing organization in 1954, purchased it in 1961, and served as its CEO into the early 1970s. Over the next decades, the restaurant chain grew, adding its drive-thru concept, Hamburger University, and iconic menu items like its Filet-O-Fish, Big Mac, and Quarter Pounder sandwiches. 

Artificial Intelligence at Cisco

Artificial Intelligence at Cisco – Two Current Use-Cases

Founded in 1984 by two computer scientists from Stanford University, Cisco Systems developed the local area network (LAN) concept and achieved a market capitalization of $224 million by the time of its IPO in 1990. Today, Cisco manufactures and markets telecommunications technology as well as other high-technology products and services.

Consumer goods

Explore articles and analysis related to artificial intelligence in consumer goods, including coverage of electronics, fashion, retail, and more.