AI Articles and Analysis about Security

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for security, including applications in cybersecurity, defense, fraud detection, and more.

Predictive Analytics in the Military - Current Applications

Predictive Analytics in the Military – Current Applications

The military has always been at the forefront of advanced technology. Some of the most important applications we use every day, such as the Internet, were developed by or for military use. That said, the military is adopting predictive analytics at what seems to be a slower pace than industry, although there are likely applications for the technology that they choose not to publicize. 

AI at Visa - Current Projects and Services

Artificial Intelligence at Visa – Current Use Cases and Services

Applications for artificial intelligence technology within the financial industry are most often focused on document search and fraud detection. This is especially true for large credit card companies such as Visa and Mastercard, who themselves provide technology to smaller businesses and card issuers.

Facial Recognition in the Military – Current Applications

Facial Recognition in the Military – Current Applications

The US Department of Defense's DARPA has a plan to invest as much as $2 billion in artificial intelligence research and development in the next 5 years. This is on top of the $2 billion the federal government has already spent on AI-based technology R&D.

Artificial Intelligence at Mastercard - Current Projects and Services

Artificial Intelligence at Mastercard – Current Projects and Services

Banks and financial institutions are particularly opaque when it comes to how they implement and leverage AI for their business. Mastercard is a key example of this because they use most of their AI applications internally and have only recently begun to make their technology more transparent to the greater financial industry.

Artificial Intelligence at the CIA – Current Applications

Artificial Intelligence at the CIA – Current Applications

It is clear the United States government has recently taken a strong stance in attempts to proliferate artificial intelligence technology innovations for the United States Department of Defense. There are those who believe that the US, Russia, and China have entered into a modern day Space Race-style competition to develop and harness artificial intelligence technologies.

AI for IT Services Firms - Backup, Recovery, and Cybersecurity

AI for IT Services Firms – Backup, Recovery, and Cybersecurity

IT services firms are doing their best to keep up with the changing landscape as AI begins to dominate the tech conversation. Many IT services firms have recently started branding themselves as AI companies without having the requisite talent to back up their claims. In reality, many of the older IT services companies are struggling to hire PhD graduates in machine learning who would rather use their skillset at global AI firms like Google and Amazon.

AI Drones and UAVs in the Military - Current Applications

AI in Military Drones and UAVs – Current Applications

In this article, we’ll take a look at several military drones and UAVs with AI capabilities. There are a variety of use cases for AI when it comes to drone technology. The military seems to commonly apply AI for allowing its drones to fly on their own, which requires machine vision.

AI for Health Insurance Fraud Detection - Current Applications

AI for Health Insurance Fraud Detection – Current Applications

Health insurance fraud may prove especially pressing due to the opioid epidemic, and thus routing out fraud could be of greater importance in the coming years.


Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for security, including applications in cybersecurity, defense, fraud detection, and more.