AI Articles and Analysis about Security

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for security, including applications in cybersecurity, defense, fraud detection, and more.

AI for Identity Theft Protection in Banking – With Charts and Graphs

AI for Identity Theft Protection in Banking – With Charts and Graphs

Identity fraud was the number one method of fraud that affected businesses globally according to The Communications Fraud Control Association's (CFCA) Fraud Loss Survey.


AI for Cybersecurity in Insurance – Current Applications

The insurance industry is responsible for a multitude of sensitive financial data concerning both its customer base and staff. Any breach to an insurance company's CRM or other claims database could compromise the personal data of multiple people at once, which puts the company at risk as well.

Emerj CEO Spoke About Deepfakes On Channel News Asia TV

Emerj CEO Spoke About Deepfakes On Channel News Asia TV

Event Title: Channel News Asia TV Spot

Event Host: Channel News Asia TV

Emerj CEO Speaks at INTERPOL World 2019 On Progromatically Generated Everything

Emerj CEO Spoke at INTERPOL World 2019 On Programatically Generated Everything

Event Title: INTERPOL World 2019

Event Host: INTERPOL

Date: July 2 - 4, 2019

AI for Cybersecurity in Banking - Where Banks Are Investing Today

AI for Cybersecurity in Banking – Where Banks Are Investing Today

Hackers are cyberattackers are using more sophisticated methods to break into digital networks; they themselves have also started employing artificial intelligence techniques to bypass detection systems.

Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity - What's Possible Today

Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity – Current Use-Cases and Capabilities

AI has made some inroads in the cybersecurity sector and several AI vendors claim to have launched products that use AI to help safeguard against cyber threats. At Emerj, we’ve seen many cybersecurity vendors offering AI and machine learning-based products to help identify and deal with cyber threats. Even the Pentagon created the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) to upgrade to AI-enabled capabilities in their cybersecurity efforts.

Artificial Intelligence For Risk Monitoring in Banking

Artificial Intelligence For Risk Monitoring in Banking

Investment in AI by banks and financial institutions for risk-related functions such as fraud and cybersecurity, compliance, and financing and loans has grown dramatically in the last half-decade compared to customer-facing functions.

Artificial Intelligence in the US Army - Current Initiatives

Artificial Intelligence in the US Army – Current Initiatives

The idea of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the military scares many people in the US, especially when it comes to the Army. The US Army typically operates on the ground, and so it may be uncomfortably closer to home for some people.


Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for security, including applications in cybersecurity, defense, fraud detection, and more.