AI Articles and Analysis about Security

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for security, including applications in cybersecurity, defense, fraud detection, and more.

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Artificial Intelligence Plus the Internet of Things (IoT) – 3 Examples Worth Learning From

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to fall into the general pit of buzzword-vagueness. Artificial intelligence (AI) often falls into the same trap, particularly with the advent of new terms such as "machine learning," "deep learning," "genetic algorithms," and more.

Artificial Intelligence's Double-Edged Role in Cyber Security - with Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy

Artificial Intelligence’s Double-Edged Role in Cyber Security – with Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy

Episode Summary: Cyber security is closely linked to advances in artificial intelligence. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Roman V. Yampolskiy about the cyber security factors and risks associated with AI. How is AI both causing risks, and how can AI be used to combat those risks? We dive briefly into the future to speak about some of the potential 'super' AI risks to cyber security and touch on what can be done now to help hedge known and unknown threats.

Sentient World Simulation

Sentient World Simulation and NSA Surveillance – Exploiting Privacy to Predict the Future?

One of the major headlines in recent news is Edward Snowden's revelation of documents which prove that the US government is using high-tech software to gather massive amounts of private information on every-day Americans.