AI Articles and Analysis about Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.

Machine Vision In Pharma - Current Applications

Machine Vision In Pharma – Current Applications

Business leaders in pharmaceuticals may be concerned with how machine vision will affect their operations in the clinical and scientific departments more than those of packaging and administration. However, prioritizing these types of operations may not provide the ROI as it’s hyped up to be. Instead, there are many possibilities for machine vision in pharmaceuticals related to packaging, shipping, and data entry.

AI in the Asian Insurance Sector - Current Applications

AI in the Asian Insurance Sector – Current Applications

AI applications for the insurance industry have certainly garnered a lot of press lately. We’ve previously covered such applications in the American and European insurance spaces. Countries in Asia such as China and Japan have large insurance industries and seem to have established national AI strategies.

Person Taking Picture Of Damaged Car

Machine Vision in Insurance – Current Applications

When it comes to the possibilities for AI in the insurance space, it may seem like machine vision is an inevitable choice for any insurer looking to have as much information on the insured property, car, or people as possible. However, this may still yet to be the case for many insurers. The insurance space has a relative lack of case studies for this type of AI software. This may indicate a lack of demand from the insurance industry or a lack of traction on the part of the technology's use in insurance.

Natural Language Processing in Healthcare – Current Applications

Natural Language Processing in Healthcare – Current Applications

When it comes to the healthcare industry, one might be able to think of numerous use cases for AI approaches like machine vision or predictive analytics. However, the applications of natural language processing (NLP) in healthcare are just as varied.

Natural Language Processing in Insurance - Current Applications

Natural Language Processing in Insurance – Current Applications

The applications of natural language processing (NLP) have been increasing as more companies find uses for their text data. This includes insurance companies with large stores of data from claims and customer support tickets.

Facial Recognition at Airports - Current Applications

Facial Recognition at Airports – Current Applications

Although AI has broader applications in the travel and tourism industry, facial recognition kiosks at airports have been one of the most prominent applications in the public discussion about AI. Their promise: to increase security and potentially speed up passenger boarding.

Machine Vision in Banking - Facial Recognition and OCR

Machine Vision in Banking – Facial Recognition and OCR

The conversation surrounding machine vision can sometimes feel dominated by facial recognition, especially for banking. Banks are necessarily concerned with security and customer service, so it follows that facial recognition, which could help with both, would prove of interest to them. 

Enterprise Adoption of AI in the Insurance Sector - An Overview

Enterprise Adoption of AI in the Insurance Sector – An Overview

The insurance sector is highly competitive, and there seems to be a consensus among experts that customers in the industry favor insurance products that are tailored to their unique needs. Large insurance firms could deliver personalized customer experiences and improve their operational efficiency by adopting AI.

Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.