AI Articles and Analysis about Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.

A VC's Perspective –7 Artificial Intelligence Trends That Actually Matter

A VC’s Perspective –7 Artificial Intelligence Trends That Actually Matter

The following article has been written by Luigi Congedo, principal at BootstrapLabs. BootstrapLabs is an AI-focused VC firm in San Francisco. Editing and quotes added by the Emerj team.For information about our contributed material and publishing arrangements with brands, please visit our partnerships page.

Machine Learning in Human Resources - Applications and Trends

Machine Learning in Human Resources – Applications and Trends

Human resources has been slower to come to the table with machine learning and artificial intelligence than other fields—marketing, communications, even health care. But the value of machine learning in human resources can now be measured, thanks to advances in algorithms that can predict employee attrition, for example, or deep learning neural networks that are edging toward more transparent reasoning in showing why a particular result or conclusion was made.

Machine Learning for Media Monitoring - with Signal Chief Data Scientist

Machine Learning for Media Monitoring – with Signal Chief Data Scientist

Episode Summary: One facet of business that nearly any industry has in common is the need to stay on top of news in their respective market, including competitor strategies or understanding changes in news related to the field. Media monitoring is a domain that machine learning (ML) is well suited for, with it's ability to coax out headlines, contextual information, and financial data from the seemingly endless stream of social, blog, and other information on the web today. Signal is a company that uses ML specifically for these purposes. In this episode, we speak with Signal's Chief Data Scientist and Co-founder Dr. Miguel Martinez, who dives into real business use cases illustrating the use of machine learning for media monitoring across industries.

Everyday Examples of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 950×540

Everyday Examples of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

With all the excitement and hype about AI that’s “just around the corner”—self-driving cars, instant machine translation, etc.—it can be difficult to see how AI is affecting the lives of regular people from moment to moment. What are examples of artificial intelligence that you're already using—right now?

Deep Learning Applications in Medical Imaging 9

Deep Learning Applications in Medical Imaging

In 1895, the German physicist, Wilhelm Röntgen, showed his wife Anna an X-ray of her hand. “I have seen my death,” she said. Medical imaging broke paradigms when it first began more than 100 years ago, and deep learning medical applications that have evolved over the past few years seem poised to once again take us beyond our current reality and open up new possibilities in the field.

Deep Learning Applications in Medical Imaging 5

Job Automation Predictions from 2016 Silicon Valley Survey

Job automation predictions from an individual expert typically draw from years of academic research experience, or time "in the trenches" of industry. With growing interest and speculation on the job market of the next decade, we set out to garner a perspective as to what Silicon Valley thinks about the possibilities of automations in various business tasks.
We wanted to know - what work functions have the most potential for near-term automation?
In the infographics and article below, we explore the survey responses from nearly 80 Bay Area investors, founders, and tech folks - on which business functions have the greatest potential for automation today, and in the coming five years ahead.

7 Chatbot Use Cases That Actually Work 950×540 (1)

7 Chatbot Use Cases That Actually Work

Since Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Kik, Slack, and a growing number of bot-creation platforms came online, developers have been churning out chatbots across industries, with Facebook's most recent bot count at over 33,000. At a CRM technologies conference in 2011, Gartner predicted that 85 percent of customer engagement would be fielded without human intervention. Though a seeming natural fit for retail and purchasing-related decisions, it doesn't appear that chatbot technology will play favorites in the coming few years, with uses cases being promoted in finance, human resources, and even legal services.

Shopify's Kit - The AI Personal Marketing Assistant 2

Martin Ford on the Rise of Workforce Automation

Episode Summary: Martin Ford started off as a software entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, but became better known for his speaking and writing on robotics' and automation's influence on the job market after writing his best-selling book, Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future. In this episode, Martin talks about why he believes 'white collar' jobs (as opposed to blue) are at a higher risk for automation, and gives his predictions on how automation and robotics will impact the job market over the next 5 to 10 years.

Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.