AI Articles and Analysis about Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.

Computer Vision in Healthcare

Computer Vision in Healthcare – Current Applications

According to Deloitte and the Economist, global annual health spending should reach $8.734 trillion dollars by 2020, and, as mentioned in our previous report on AI for Healthcare in Asia, InkWood Research estimated the size of the artificial intelligence market in the healthcare industry at around $1.21 billion in 2016. As of now, numerous AI vendors claim to help healthcare professionals diagnose patients using machine vision. Other AI vendors claim to offer solutions for increasing adherence to drug therapy programs.

Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare in Asia - An Overview of Startups and Innovation

AI for Healthcare in Asia – An Overview of Startups and Innovation

InkWood Research estimated the size of the artificial intelligence market in the healthcare industry at around $1.21 billion in 2016. We surveyed more than 50 executives from healthcare companies previously and laid out the state of AI applications in the healthcare space. It seems AI-based healthcare innovations have made their way into Asia, led by developments in China, India, Japan, and South Korea. Numerous companies claim to assist healthcare professionals in Asia with aspects of their roles, including assisting in diagnostics, remote caregiving, and improving a patient's ability to manage their health using data from wearable devices.

Machine Learning in Radiology - Current Applications

Machine Learning in Radiology – Current Applications

It should come as no surprise that AI has found its way into radiology in a similar fashion to most other medical fields. Many AI vendors selling into the radiology field are just beginning to gain regulatory approval. We researched the use of AI in radiology to better understand where AI comes into play in the industry and to answer the following questions:


Natural Language Processing Applications in Finance – 3 Current Applications

Natural language processing, (NLP) is one AI technique that's finding its way into a variety of verticals, but the finance industry is among the most interested in the business applications of NLP. In fact, according to our AI Opportunity Landscape research in banking, approximately 39% of the AI vendors in the banking industry offer solutions that involve NLP. 

AI for Banking in Europe - 3 Current Applications

AI for Banking in Europe – 3 Current Applications

AutonomousNEXT released a report on the opportunity that AI might create in the banking and financial services industry. The report estimated that by 2030, the potential cost savings by applying AI in banking, investment management, and insurance were $490 billion in front office operations, $350 billion in middle office, $200 billion in the back office operations.

AI for Enterprise Search - Challenges and Opportunities

AI for Enterprise Search – Challenges and Opportunities

Episode Summary: In this episode of the AI in Industry podcast, we interview Grant Ingersoll, CTO of Lucidworks, about AI developments in enterprise search, and the common challenges of AI adoption in enterprise.

Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service 950×540

Artificial Intelligence for Customer Service – Current and Future Applications

Forrester surveyed call center business leaders and found that 46% of them expect their business to grow by 5%-10% in 2019. To make this happen, Forrester reports that companies will increasingly explore the use of AI-driven chatbots and voice services.


AI in SupTech (Supervisory Technology) – Current Finance Applications

We have identified three areas in finance where companies are applying AI to solve real business problems: fintech, regtech, and suptech.

Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.