AI Articles and Analysis about Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.

AI for Contract Analysis in the Enterprise

AI for Contract Analysis in the Enterprise

Episode Summary: Close to a year ago, we had an interview here on the AI in Industry podcast with Jeremy Barnes of Element AI. We visited their headquarters in Montreal, and we'd interviewed Yoshua Bengio a couple years before that.

AI at the Top European Defense Contractors - An Overview

AI at the Top European Defense Contractors – An Overview

Due to the popularity of our recent report on AI at the top 5 US defense contractors, we decided to broaden our scope of AI in the world's militaries. This report attempts to illuminate the current artificial intelligence projects at Europe’s largest private defense contractors.

Computer Vision for Medical Diagnostics in the Chest Area

Computer Vision for Medical Diagnostics in the Chest Area

Episode Summary: Recently, we were called upon by the World Bank to do a good deal of research on the potential of applying artificial intelligence to health data in the developing world. Diagnostics was a very big focus of the information that we presented. It appears as though diagnostics is an area of great promise with regards to AI, and that's what we're focusing on in this episode the podcast.

Artificial Intelligence at the Top 5 US Defense Contractors

Artificial Intelligence at the Top 5 US Defense Contractors

wikiMany of the pivotal technologies utilized by the public today have their roots in military projects. The internet’s first successful message transfer was due to a U.S. Department of Defense-awarded contract in 1969 for the development of the “ARPANET project.” Global Positioning System (GPS) technology utilized in smartphones today was put in place and created in the 1970s for accurate military positioning, coordination, and tracking.

Machine Learning in Orthopedics - Current Applications

Machine Learning in Orthopedics – Current Applications

There are few companies claiming to offer artificial intelligence solutions to orthopedics companies. We found that these solutions are intended to help orthopedics companies with at least one of the following business problems:

An Overview of AI in Legal, Contract Management and Human Resources

An Overview of AI in Legal, Contract Management, and Human Resources

This article was originally written as part of an in-depth AI report sponsored by Iron Mountain, and was written, edited and published in alignment with our transparent Emerj sponsored content guidelines. Learn more about our thought leadership and content creation services on our Thought Leadership Services page.

Machine Learning for Decision Support in Tax and Accounting

Machine Learning for Decision Support in Tax and Accounting

Episode Summary: Many machine learning applications in business can be boiled down to some form of decision support. There are big decisions like deciding whether or not to merge or acquire another company, and there might be smaller decisions like whether or not a tumor has enough traits that make it seem like it's worth a surgical procedure or if it's worth leaving alone.

The Current State of Machine Learning for Medical Transcription

Machine Learning for Medical Transcription – Current Applications

There are several companies claiming to offer AI-based medical transcription software, specifically speech recognition software, to hospitals and healthcare companies. We found that these solutions are intended to help hospitals and healthcare companies with medical transcription in different forms, transcribing speech into text in order to fill out and update patient medical records in electronic health record (EHR) and electronic medical record (EMR) databases.
Machine Learning for Medical Transcription - Insights Up Front
We can’t seem to find evidence that the prominent companies offering speech recognition software for medical transcription have what we would expect in terms of talent at their company, except for Nuance Communications. It isn’t clear how exactly their solutions could work without natural language processing, a kind of artificial intelligence. Nuance employs many data scientists with PhDs and Master’s degrees in computer science and hard sciences like physics. This is generally what we look for when it comes to vetting a company on their claims to leveraging artificial intelligence and cutting through the marketing hype we so often see on AI vendor websites.

Process automation

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for process automation, including applications in report generation, data entry, recruitment, and more.