AI Articles and Analysis about E-commerce

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for eCommerce, including applications in fraud detection, eCommerce search, recommendation engines, and more.

Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence - 5 Near-Term Applications

Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence – 5 Near-Term Applications

By implementing an immersive virtual-reality environment, some AI applications claim it is possible to test products or retail ideas that have not been brought to on the market, putting them on a virtual shelf to study consumer reactions and behavior to real-time merchandising.

How Recommendation Engines Actually Work - Strategies and Principles

How Recommendation Engines Actually Work – Strategies and Principles

Episode Summary: When we think of recommendation engines, we might think of Amazon or Netflix, but while consumer goods and entertainment might be the most prominent domains for recommendation engines, there are others. This week, we speak with Madhu Gopinathan of MakeMyTrip, one of the few Indian unicorn companies, about recommendation engines for travel companies.

Personalized Marketing with AI - 8 Current Applications

Personalized Marketing with AI – 8 Current Applications

In a study from Researchscape International, 74 percent of 300 marketers surveyed said personalization in this field has strongly helped their clients or companies in advancing customer relationships. It also found that 54 percent said their clients or companies experienced a 10 percent increase in sales, while 13 percent of marketers surveyed reported a more than 30 percent lift.

Recommendation Engines for Fashion - 6 Current Applications 4

Recommendation Engines for Fashion – Comparing 6 Applications

In 2013, a McKinsey report noted that over 85 percent of Amazon sales revenue was generated from personalized recommendations. Since then, the use of personalized recommendations has grown. On average, today’s personalized recommendations account for 27-percent of retail site revenue, according to a recent Salesforce report. 

Artificial Intelligence for Clothing and Apparel - Current Applications

Artificial Intelligence for Clothing and Apparel – Current Applications

The fashion industry has grown at 5.5 percent annually in the past decade, according to the McKinsey Global Fashion Index, and in 2016 was estimated to be worth $2.4 trillion.

AI for Pricing - Comparing 5 Current Applications

AI for Pricing – Comparing 5 Current Applications

In recent years, artificial intelligence has enabled pricing solutions to track buying trends and determine more competitive product prices. While static pricing keeps prices absolute, dynamic pricing adjusts prices to offer customers different prices based on external factors and their individual buying habits.

Machine Learning for Credit Card Fraud - 7 Applications for Detection and Prevention

Machine Learning for Credit Card Fraud – 7 Applications for Detection and Prevention

In 2015, fraud losses on credit, debit, and prepaid cards issued worldwide reached $21.84 billion, according to a Bloomberg report. By 2020, Bloomberg predicts that this could grow by a rate of 45 percent.

Crowdsourced Search Relevance for eCommerce and Online Retail

Crowdsourced Search Relevance for eCommerce and Online Retail

Using makes it seem like eCommerce search just “works.” Type in the title of a book (“The Catcher in the Rye”), a general description of apparel (“red rain boots for kids”) or electronics (“green Playstation 3 Controller”), and you get what you were looking for.


Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for eCommerce, including applications in fraud detection, eCommerce search, recommendation engines, and more.