AI Articles and Analysis about Business intelligence and analytics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for business intelligence and analytics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.

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How America’s Top 4 Insurance Companies are Using Machine Learning

The insurance industry is a competitive sector representing an estimated $507 billion or 2.7 percent of the US Gross Domestic Product. As customers become increasingly selective about tailoring their insurance purchases to their unique needs, leading insurers are exploring how machine learning (ML) can improve business operations and customer satisfaction.

AI Use-Cases in the CRM - with Bastiaan Janmaat of DataFox 1

AI Use-Cases in the CRM – with Bastiaan Janmaat of DataFox

This week we speak with Bastiaan Janmaat (CEO and co-Founder of DataFox) about the current and future applications of artificial intelligence in the CRM.

Artificial Intelligence in Sports - Current and Future Applications

Artificial Intelligence in Sports – Current and Future Applications

The North American sports industry is a cultural and economic staple generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. Spectator sports fall under the broader category of arts, entertainment, and recreation, representing 1.1 percent of the GDP in 2016. Artificial intelligence in sports may have been rare just five years ago - but now AI and machine vision are making their way into a number of sports industry applications, from chatbots to computer vision and beyond.

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Machine Learning in Manufacturing – Present and Future Use-Cases

Major companies including GE, Siemens, Intel, Funac, Kuka, Bosch, NVIDIA and Microsoft are all making significant investments in machine learning-powered approaches to improve all aspects of manufacturing. The technology is being used to bring down labor costs, reduce product defects, shorten unplanned downtimes, improve transition times, and increase production speed.

Use Cases of AI for Customer Service - What's Working Now

Use Cases of AI for Customer Service – What’s Working Now

Artificial Intelligence is currently being deployed in customer service to both augment and replace human agents - with the primary goals of improving the customer experience and reducing human customer service costs. While the technology is not yet able to perform all the tasks a human customer service representative could, many consumer requests are very simple ask that sometimes be handled by current AI technologies without human input.

Predii - Predictive Maintenance for Equipment and Machinery - with Tilak Kasturi

Predictive Maintenance for Equipment and Machinery – with Predii’s Tilak Kasturi

It would be great if instead of having our car break down - could have them fixed as soon as the underlying problem began. It would be great if instead of having to diagnose a malfunctioning piece of mechanical equipment - would could have the right "fix" presented to us immediately. As it turns out, artificial intelligence may be working its way to accomplish both of those goals in the not-so-distant future.

Smart City Artificial Intelligence Applications - Comparing

Smart City Artificial Intelligence Applications and Trends

Thanks to the relative ease with which local governments can now gather real time data, combined with the capabilities of artificial Intelligence, cities are realizing interesting new ways to run more efficiently and effectively.

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Machine Learning for Medical Diagnostics – 4 Current Applications

Medical diagnostics are a category of medical tests designed to detect infections, conditions and diseases. These medical diagnostics fall under the category of in vitro medical diagnostics (IVD) which be purchased by consumers or used in laboratory settings. Biological samples are isolated from the human body such as blood or tissue to provide results. Today, AI is playing an integral role in the evolution of the field of medical diagnostics.

Business intelligence and analytics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for business intelligence and analytics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.