AI Articles and Analysis about Automation and robotics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for automation and robotics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.

Training Self-Driving Cars in Simulations - The Future of Automotive

Training Self-Driving Cars in Simulations – The Future of Automotive

Danny Lange heads up the AI efforts at Unity, one of the better-known firms in terms of simulations and computer graphics. They work in several different industries, but this week we speak mostly about automotive.

Northup AI ML

Artificial Intelligence Applications at Northrop Grumman – An Overview

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a U.S. global technology company that provides autonomous, aerospace, cybersecurity, and defense solutions to military and commercial organizations.

Artificial Intelligence at NASA - Current Projects and Applications

Artificial Intelligence at NASA – Current Projects and Applications

The focus of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is to provide information to civilian institutions to help them solve scientific problems at home and in space. This requires a continuous stream of raw data under a constantly shifting environment.  According to a 2017 interview with Kevin Murphy, Earth Science Data Systems Program Executive at NASA, the biggest challenge now is not going where no man has gone before, but managing the data.

Artificial Intelligence in Defense 950×540 (1)

Artificial Intelligence in the Military – An Overview of Capabilities

We researched the military and defense space to discover how and where AI is utilized today by the world’s militaries and intelligence organizations as well as the capabilities artificial intelligence could bring to the sector shortly.

AI in the Automotive Industry - an Analysis of the Space

AI in the Automotive Industry – an Analysis of the Space

In this article, we explore the applications of AI software within the automotive industry from production and manufacturing to insurance and transportation. We will discuss the equipment involved in collecting and analyzing data along with the potential value they offer to manufacturers, shared mobility companies, insurers, and drivers.

Autonomous Vehicles in the Military – Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and BAE Systems

Autonomous Vehicles in the Military – Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and BAE Systems

It is clear the US military has taken an interest in exploring the capabilities of autonomous vehicles for the battlefield. Michael Griffin, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering for the US Department of Defense, reported to lawmakers in the United States Congress that 52% of casualties in combat zones have been attributed to military personnel delivering food, fuel, and other logistics.

AI Drones and UAVs in the Military - Current Applications

AI in Military Drones and UAVs – Current Applications

In this article, we’ll take a look at several military drones and UAVs with AI capabilities. There are a variety of use cases for AI when it comes to drone technology. The military seems to commonly apply AI for allowing its drones to fly on their own, which requires machine vision.

AI in the Navy - Current Contractors and Innovations

Artificial Intelligence in the Navy – Current Contractors and Innovations

Militaries around the world are starting to make increasing investments in artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities. The top military defense contractors in the US, Europe, and Israel are all working on AI software to sell into the defense sector. That said, the military adoption of AI is as of right now slow in comparison to that of contractors.

Automation and robotics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for automation and robotics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.