AI Articles and Analysis about Automation and robotics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for automation and robotics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.

Computer Vision for Body Language - How it Works and How it Could be Used

Computer Vision for Body Language – How it Works and How it Could be Used

As a human, we can often understand the mood, intention, and future action of another person just by looking at them. We see their posture, their facial expression, where their eyes are focused, and we can get a decent understanding of what they might do next. The problem of computer vision for body language is a much harder problem to solve, but we are indeed making progress.

Biped Robot Timelines - How Long Until Robots Move Like Humans?

Biped Robot Timelines – How Long Until Robots Move Like Humans?

Our cities, streets, homes, and businesses are built for beings that walk on two legs (biped). From stairs to the shape of hallways to the placement of kitchen cabinets, all have been designed for bipeds. The fact that a society of two-legged creatures designed everything around them for bipeds is so obvious most people don’t even think about it, but it becomes a serious issue when talking about the future of robotics.

Commercial Drone Regulations - Near-Term Challenges and Consequences

Commercial Drone Regulations – Near-Term Challenges and Consequences

The vision of an army of small unmanned aerial vehicles streaming through the sky to rapidly deliver food packages has captured the imagination of the public, the media, and most importantly some of the largest companies in the world. Achieving this vision won’t just require overcoming the technological and safety challenges, but also significant buy-in from the public and policy makers.

Autonomous Vehicle Regulations - Near-Term Challenges and Consequences

Autonomous Vehicle Regulations – Near-Term Challenges and Consequences

Several car makers predict they will able to make true self-driving cars in the next few years - as we've covered in our recent self-driving car timeline article. This technology, though, is only valuable if there are plenty of roads these self-driving cars are legally allowed to travel on. Even if the technologies allow for true autonomy, without legal permission the self-driving cars are mostly worthless to individuals and companies.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) - Comparing the USA, Israel, and China

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) – Comparing the USA, Israel, and China

While in previous decades military unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were very simple pieces of equipment, the technology has advanced rapidly. They are now used all over the world and are a multi-billion dollar industry. According to the Teal Group, current worldwide military UAV production stands at around $2.8 billion, and they project it will grow to $9.4 billion in 2025.

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Machine Learning in Manufacturing – Present and Future Use-Cases

Major companies including GE, Siemens, Intel, Funac, Kuka, Bosch, NVIDIA and Microsoft are all making significant investments in machine learning-powered approaches to improve all aspects of manufacturing. The technology is being used to bring down labor costs, reduce product defects, shorten unplanned downtimes, improve transition times, and increase production speed.

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Artificial Intelligence in Oil and Gas – Comparing the Applications of 5 Oil Giants

Oil remains one of the most highly valued commodities in the energy sector. Estimates of total energy investment in 2016 tip the scale at approximately $1.7 trillion which represents 2.2 percent of the global GDP. However, as concerns over the environmental impact of energy production and consumption persist, oil and gas companies are actively seeking innovative approaches to achieving their business goals while reducing environmental impact.

Military Robotics Innovation

Military Robotics Innovation – Comparing the US to Other Major Powers

The market for military robotics is massive, and many developments can be observed in public competitions, university campuses, and DARPA's own announcements.

Automation and robotics

Explore articles and reports related to artificial intelligence for automation and robotics, including applications in forecasting, predictive analytics, text analysis, and more.