AI in Transportation - Current and Future Business-Use Applications 3

AI in Transportation – Current and Future Business-Use Applications

The transportation domain is beginning to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI) in mission-critical tasks (for example, self-driving vehicles carrying passengers) where the reliability and safety of an AI system will be under question from the general public. Major challenges in the transportation industry like capacity problems, safety, reliability, environmental pollution, and wasted energy are providing ample opportunity (and potential for high ROI) for AI innovation.

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Software Company Reduced Churn with Text Analytics and NLP Insight

Tech Provider: Lexalytics - A natural language processing and text analytics software and service provider.
Client Company: Voziq - Offers software to help customers reduce churn and gain insight on their customers.
Industry: Media
Function: Business intelligence and analytics, Process automation
Tech Provider Contact: Charles Le Gros

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Microsoft Gets the Pulse of Customer Sentiment with Natural Language Processing

Tech Provider: Lexalytics - A natural language processing and text analytics software and service provider.
Client Company: Microsoft - A multinational technology company which develops, licenses, sells and supports software, hardware, and services.
Industry: Consumer goods
Function: Business intelligence and analytics, Process automation
Tech Provider Contact Person: Charles Le Gros

Overcoming Challenges in Spoken Voice based Natural Language Processing (NLP) for business use 1

Overcoming Challenges in Voice-Based Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Business

Episode Summary: In this episode of AI in industry, we speak with Michael Johnson, the director of research and innovation for Interactions llc, in Boston MA. Michael explores the inbound (human to machine) and outbound (machine to human) applications of voice based natural language processing (NLP) and also talks about attaching a time-frame to how soon small and medium enterprises (SMEs) would have access to this technology in a financially sensible manner.

Dan Faggella presentation - How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect the Future of Retail?

How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect the Future of Retail?

After a presentation at the Shop!Association’s national conference late last year, I had plenty of time to chat with retail business people about their own ideas about AI’s uses, and the trends that matter most. This prompted me to gather my thoughts and combine the ideas of retailers with the AI-in-retail research we’ve done, and put together a piece to help retail vendors make sense of the next 2-3 years of AI’s influence in retail.

AI in Disney, Viacom, and Entertainment Giants

Artificial Intelligence at Disney, Viacom, and Other Entertainment Giants

Artificial intelligence has found its way in different areas in the entertainment industry from offering customized recommendations on your Friday night movies (as in the case of Netflix) to delivering sports match highlights during live TV coverage. In the latter, this was made possible in the 2017 U.S. Open Tennis Championships when IBM Watson Media used its AI tool to showcase play highlights right after they occur.

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Yahoo! Uses NLG to Deliver Personal Fantasy Sports Recaps and Updates

Technology Provider: Automated Insights is a provider of natural language generation platform, Wordsmith, that converts big data into narratives or summary understandable by humans

Artificial Intelligence in Home Robots – Current and Future Use-Cases

Artificial Intelligence in Home Robots – Current and Future Use-Cases

The International Federation of Robotics reports that the U.S. service robot industry, which includes both industrial and domestic sectors, is a $5.2 billion market. It also estimates that home robots or domestic robots will contribute $11 billion in revenue by 2020.

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Lingerie Brand Leverages AI for Automating Paid Search and Social Media Marketing

Technology Provider: Albert - An artificial intelligence marketing platform for the enterprise, driving autonomous digital marketing campaigns for companies around the globe

Natural Language Processing - Current Applications and Future Possibilities

Natural Language Processing – Current Applications and Future Possibilities

A 2017 Tractica report on the natural language processing (NLP) market estimates the total NLP software, hardware, and services market opportunity to be around $22.3 billion by 2025. The report also forecasts that NLP software solutions leveraging AI will see a market growth from $136 million in 2016 to $5.4 billion by 2025.