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User Engagement Company Improves Lead Quality Using Predictive Analytics

Technology Provider: Ignite Technologies (which acquired Infer, a Mountain View, CA-based marketing optimization and machine learning company).

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Smart Home Services Provider Automates Report Creation with AI and Customer Data

Technology Provider: Automated Insights is a provider of natural language generation platform, Wordsmith, that converts big data into narratives or summary understandable by humans

Chatbots for Healthcare

Chatbots for Healthcare – Comparing 5 Current Applications

Chatbots are gradually being adopted into the healthcare industry and are generally in the early phases of implementation. Market research firm Grand View Research estimates that the global chatbot market will reach $1.23 billion by 2025. This projected growth reflects a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3 percent.

Machine Learning for Restaurants and Food Services - Examples, Challenges, Trends

Machine Learning for Restaurants and Food Services – Examples, Challenges, Trends

This year has been marked by an increase in artificial intelligence interest from new business sectors. Just one years ago, we hardly had any visitors or subscribers from the food services sector - and this year we have a strong interest from food processing and food services leaders, which has come as a surprise.

Exploring the Business Use-Cases of Natural Language Generation - With Robbie Allen of Automated Insights

Exploring the Business Use-Cases of Natural Language Generation – With Robbie Allen of Automated Insights

Episode Summary: Machine learning (ML) can be used to identify objects and pictures or help steer vehicles, but is not best suited for text-based AI applications says Robbie Allen, founder of Automated Insights.

AI for Managing Chronic Kidney Disease

AI Applications for Managing Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects approximately 1 in 7 adults or an estimated 30 million Americans. CKD is characterized by kidney damage which impedes proper filtration of the blood. As a result, other health problems may occur due to excess fluid and waste in the body. According to the American Society of Nephrology, annual health care costs associated with treating kidney (renal) failure are estimated at over 32 billion.

Microsoft India Sowing App

Artificial Intelligence in Indian Agriculture – An Industry and Startup Overview

Agriculture plays a vital role in India’s economy. Over 58 percent of the rural households depend on agriculture as their principal means of livelihood, according to an IBEF report. Agricultural exports constitute 10 percent of the country’s exports and is the fourth-largest exported principal commodity category in India.


Enterprise Adoption of Artificial Intelligence – When it Does and Doesn’t Make Sense

Chances are you have already been bombarded on social media or in your inbox about all these “revolutionary AI” this and “game-changer AI” that.

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Smart Home Services Provider Uses Natural Language Generation to Create Highly Personalized Website Copy

Technology Provider: Automated Insights is a provider of a natural language generation platform, Wordsmith, that converts big data into narratives or summaries understandable by humans.

Applying AI to Legal Contracts - What's Possible Now

Applying AI to Legal Contracts – What’s Possible Now

Episode summary: This week’s episode explores the current possibilities in applying natural language processing for legal contract review. We speak with Andrew Antos and Nischal Nadhamuni from Klarity, a Boston-based startup focused on using natural language processing (NLP) based information extraction, from non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), in a live setting.