Artificial intelligence for High Frequency Retail - Pricing, Inventory and Margins Optimization

Artificial intelligence for High Frequency Retail – Pricing, Inventory and Margins Optimization

High-frequency retail (HFR) segments, such as groceries and drug stores, have ongoing challenges with profit margin - with grocery margins nearing 1% on average, according to an analyst from market research firm IBISWorld.

Crowdsourced Search Relevance for eCommerce and Online Retail

Crowdsourced Search Relevance for eCommerce and Online Retail

Using makes it seem like eCommerce search just “works.” Type in the title of a book (“The Catcher in the Rye”), a general description of apparel (“red rain boots for kids”) or electronics (“green Playstation 3 Controller”), and you get what you were looking for.

How Existing Businesses Should Organize Their Data Assets for AI 1

How Existing Businesses Should Organize Their Data Assets for AI

Episode Summary: Companies with wells of data at their disposal may find themselves asking how they can use them in meaningful ways. Generally speaking, a clean set of data is the foundation for AI applications, but business owners may not know how exactly to organize their data in a way that allows them to best leverage AI. How exactly does a business transition from having data with the potential for usefulness to having data that’s going to allow for an accurate, helpful machine learning tool—one that can actually help solve business problems?

Connected Insurance and AI - The Possibilities of IoT Data

Connected Insurance and AI – The Possibilities of IoT Data

The ability of companies to collect external data is likely to change the insurance industry as it is today. Traditionally, insurance companies would collect internal data from customers: data such as their weight, gender, and any family history of health issues. However, with the advent of technologies making possible the collection of data specific more to individuals than large groups of people, insurance companies could be able to offer unique, tailor-made policies to their customers.

Artificial Intelligence in Regulatory Technology (RegTech) - 5 Current Applications

Artificial Intelligence in Regulatory Technology (RegTech) – 5 Current Applications

Last year, Boston Consulting Group reported that banks were tracking three times as many individual global regulatory changes as compared to 2011. The report added that these institutions were averaging 200 regulatory revisions per day in 2017.

Artificial Intelligence Hardware - Who Should Adopt it First, and Why?

Artificial Intelligence Hardware – Who Should Adopt it First, and Why?

From the soaring stock price of NVIDIA, to the cutting-edge developments at Facebook and Google, AI hardware is a hot topic. We set out to learn more about what executives should know about the coming developments in AI hardware - and how it might impact different industries and sectors.

Dan Presented at the 1st INTERPOL – UNICRI Global Meeting on the Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Law Enforcement

Daniel Faggella Presented at a United Nations-INTERPOL Conference on AI in Law Enforcement

Event: 1st INTERPOL – United Nations (UNICRI) Global Meeting on the Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Law Enforcement

in Investment Management and Asset Management 950×540

Machine Learning in Investment Management and Asset Management – Current Applications

Asset and wealth management firms are exploring potential AI solutions for improving their investment decisions, and making use of their troves of historical data. In fact, according to our AI Opportunity Landscape research into the banking industry specifically, approximately 13.5% of the AI vendors in banking offer solutions for wealth and asset management.

Crowdsourced Sentiment Analysis - Applications in Social Media and Customer Service

Crowdsourced Sentiment Analysis – Applications in Social Media and Customer Service

Over the last 3-4 years, sentiment analysis has become a more and more common term - understood by marketers and businesspeople alike. The idea is simple: An artificial intelligence system that can detect the emotional “tone” or sentiment of a specific text document (as long as a book, or as short as a tweet).

White Collar Automation in Healthcare - What's Possible Today?

White Collar Automation in Healthcare – What’s Possible Today?

Episode summary: In this episode of "AI in Industry" podcast, we speak with Manoj Saxena, the Executive Chairman of CognitiveScale, about how AI and automation are being applied to white-collar processes in the healthcare sector.