Artificial Intelligence in Gestural Interfaces - Possible Near-Term Applications

Artificial Intelligence in Gestural Interfaces – Possible Near-Term Applications

Gesture-based interfaces are applications that allow users to control devices using hand and other body parts. Today, they are found in devices used in home automation, shopping, consumer electronics, virtual reality and augmented reality gaming, navigation, and driving, among others.

AI for Claims Processing and Underwriting in Insurance - A Comparison of 6 Applications 2

AI for Claims Processing and Underwriting in Insurance – A Comparison of 6 Applications

The insurance industry is looking to adopt artificial intelligence applications for a variety of business functions due to its access to large volume of customer data. According to our AI Opportunity Landscape research in insurance, approximately 46% of AI vendors in insurance offer solutions for claims and 43% offer solutions for underwriting. While there are other areas of insurance that could benefit from AI, it's clear that these two core insurance tenets are where the traction is with AI in the industry.

AI for Government and NGO Social Good Initiatives - an Interview with the Wadhwani Institute

AI for Government and NGO Social Good Initiatives – an Interview with the Wadhwani Institute

Episode Summary: We usually discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on a business's bottom line, but, in addition to law enforcement, governments and NGOs are also considering AI as a mechanism for improving society.

Three Factors for Job Security in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 1

Three Factors for Job Security in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

This article is based on a talk by (formerly TechEmergence) CEO Daniel Faggella at a recently held independently organized TEDxURI event. Part of the talk was on the impact of artificial intelligence on job security.

Law Enforcement Robotics and Drones - 5 Current Applications 1

Law Enforcement Robotics and Drones – 5 Current Applications

In May 2018, Bard College’s Center for the Study of the Drone released a report estimating that 910 “state and local police, sheriff, fire, and emergency services agencies” had acquired drones in the United States by the end of 2017.

Chatbots for Customer Service - 4 Current Applications

Chatbots for Customer Service – 4 Current Applications

IBM estimates that 265 billion customer support tickets and calls are made globally every year, resulting in $1.3 trillion in customer service costs. IBM also referenced a Chatbots Magazine figure purporting that implementing customer service AI solutions, such as chatbots, into service workflows can reduce a business’ spend on customer service by 30 percent.

Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence - 5 Near-Term Applications

Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence – 5 Near-Term Applications

By implementing an immersive virtual-reality environment, some AI applications claim it is possible to test products or retail ideas that have not been brought to on the market, putting them on a virtual shelf to study consumer reactions and behavior to real-time merchandising.

Artificial Intelligence in Debt Collection - Near-Term Applications 1

Artificial Intelligence in Debt Collection – Near-Term Applications

According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Americans filed more grievances about debt collections than about any other financial incident. Of the 316,810 complaints received by the CFPB about debt collection in 2017, the most common was, “Continued attempts to collect debt not owed,” which was cited by 39 percent of grievance filers.

Artificial Intelligence for Video Search and the YouTube of the Future

Machine Learning for Video Search and Video Education – How it Works

Episode Summary: AI, specifically natural language processing, has made it easier to understand text as a medium in a deeper, more efficient way and at scale. With video, the situation is quite different. AI is already being used to help industries that work in the video medium. However, searching for content within videos is more challenging because video is not just voice and sound, it is also a collection of moving and still images on screen. How could AI work to overcome that challenge?

AI in Blockchain - Current Applications and Trends

AI in Blockchain – Current Applications and Trends

Today, two highly discussed disruptive technologies are artificial intelligence and blockchain. In this piece, we aim to highlight projects where AI and blockchain might be used together to support the B2B environment.